chapter twelve

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into you like a train.
season two, episode six.


Billie walked into Joe's bar, body and hair dripping raindrops relentlessly due to the ongoing storm that was happening just past the windows. She breathed in the tepidness of the little pub, as well as the conversations coming from every secluded table and the smell of alcohol in the air. The sound of the thunderstorm was immediately muffled by the thick walls and, as violently as Billie was shivering, she still embraced the warmth inside the bar with all the pleasure.

First thing, Billie took off her raincoat, knowing it was the piece of clothing which had gotten the more soaked during her sprint from the hospital doors into the bar. She hung it on the rack at the entrance and scanned her eyes across the space, seeing many different friend groups, couples and lone drinkers, but soon finding the specific party she was looking for; on one hand, sitting on the bar as she ate peanuts, Meredith talked to Joe, while on the other hand, Izzie, Cristina and George watched her in concern.

She didn't smile as soon as she saw her friends, which was a daily habit she had picked on with the passing of time. She felt so flustered, so physically and internally overwhelmed that she could barely breathe, chest heaving in deep intakes of air as she felt like there was not enough air in the world.

The events happened less than half an hour ago were still fresh in her head. The flutter of his touch, the motion of their lips together, and the feeling of the rain hiding them from the rest of the world. It was all engraved in her head, replayed like a broken record, and she fucking hated that there didn't seem to be a way to stop it.

Billie headed towards the group of three, grabbing Cristina by the shoulder and turning her around in order to meet her eyes. The woman in question watched her confused until her head warmed up to the familiarity of the person in front of her, but as soon as she felt her wet hand, she cringed.

"Ugh, you're dripping." She scrunched up her nose, prying Billie's hand away.

"I need you. And Meredith. I need you both," Billie blurted out in a rush, swallowing thickly amidst the sentence because despite the fact that she was still soaking wet from her little encounter with Alex in the rain, she felt like her mouth was dry to the bone.

"Oh, well, that's not gonna happen anytime soon. Mer's drunk and heartbroken, and I'm supposed to watch her and make sure she doesn't try to drive herself home or anything," Cristina argued.

Billie frowned.

"What's wrong with her?" she asked.

"She's waiting for Derek. If he shows up, it means he signed the divorce papers. But..." Cristina paused briefly, sucking in some air through her teeth in a way to non-verbally inform that the situation was a little more difficult. "We've been here for two hours at least. I don't think he's coming. Like, when you tell someone 'I'll meet you later at a bar tonight', how long exactly does that mean you're supposed to wait?"

George glanced at Meredith over his shoulder as he sipped from his glass of beer, urging Billie to take a sit on the stool next to him. The girl smiled and pushed aside all of her problems, plopping down on the seat.

"Do you think he's really not coming?" he asked.

"It is getting a little hard to watch," Izzie admitted which even Billie, despite not having been with them for the past two hours, agreed on.

"It was hard to watch an hour ago. Now it's just pathetic," Cristina knitted her eyebrows into a tight frown.

Suddenly, Meredith turned.

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