chapter fifty three

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dream a little dream of me.
season five, episodes one and two.


With a bag of strawberry Twizzlers on one hand and one of the candies on the other, Billie, alongside other doctors, stood around the computer where the hospital rankings were supposed to be coming up.

"Back up, you're sucking all my oxygen," Bailey, who was the one in charge of the computer, complained, seeing as both Billie and Derek were invading her personal space.

"We're trying to see," Derek fired back.

"It's not up yet. There's nothing to see."

"Twizzler?" Billie offered simply, but the resident shook her off.

"It's supposed to be posted at four!" Hahn stated the obvious.

"It's four fifteen," Mark said.

"Hit the refresh button. You have to reload the page." Cristina walked up to Bailey and tried to click the refresh button on the keyboard, but the resident slapped her away.

"I'm hitting the refresh button every ten seconds. Just wait," she said just as Meredith approached them.

"Is it up yet?" she asked.

"Not yet," Billie answered, chewing on a piece of the red candy, then reached out the bag towards her friend. "Twizzler?"

"Uh," Meredith frowned. "no."

"Hi," Derek greeted the blonde, seeing as, after Meredith had built them both a candle house at the top of the hill on his land, they were back together.

"Hi." She smiled back, causing Billie and Cristina to share disgusted looks.

"Is it up yet?" Alex ran up to them.

"Nope. Twizzler?" Billie asked for what felt like the hundredth time. He simply quirked the corners of his lips downwards and shrugged, to which she took the candy to his lips and allowed him to rip off a piece with his teeth.

"I think we move up a slot. Pass Hopkins, move up to number one," Mark stated his opinion.

"We're not passing Hopkins, they're, like, the best teaching program in the whole country. We're gonna stay in number two," Billie said through a mouthful of candies.

"Mayo could surge ahead, we could be three," Hahn interfered.

"Three?" Derek looked up. "Pessimist."

"Realistic," Hahn and Billie chorused, causing the attending to look at the resident with something that sort of resembled motherly pride.

"The rankings of teaching hospitals change based on any number of things," the blonde then said.

"Eh, there's top five. I can live with three." Mark shrugged.

"Hit the refresh button." Alex reached out his hand, which Bailey promptly slapped away.

"Stay back! I'm doing this." She glared.

"Hey!" Izzie approached them at a sprint. "Is it up yet?"


"Here, just hit the refresh-"

For the third time, Bailey clawed Izzie's hand away from the keyboard. "I am hitting the refresh-! Okay, all of you, back up. Stop hovering, stop speculating. The rankings will go up when they go up. We have no control of when they're posted. When it is up, I will say, it is up! Until then, back up, shut up and leave me alone, so I can-"

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