How About a Date?

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       I mainly watched TV while Keigo was gone. I couldn't help but peak out the window every so often. Keigo's security was pretty intense, and I could see the security guards pacing at the front and back gates. Keigo's house was quite large, but it seemed that he was the only person living in it. He must've been lonely. My house isn't that big, but it's comfortable. Then I heard a knock at the door.
I was skeptical at first, but then the thought occurred to me that the person on the other side of the door must have the clearance to get through the gate. I cautiously looked through the peephole. It was Enji. I thought that he was at the agency with Keigo. I opened the door.
"Hey Enji." I met his eyes as I opened the door.
"Oh (Y/N), I didn't expect you to be the one opening the door. Is Hawks here?" He asked.
"No he hasn't made it back yet." The thought worried me so I went to check my phone.

Keigo: Stopping for chicken before I head back. Need anything?

       "He sent me a message. He stopped for chicken." I said with a grin.
       "I'm not surprised. I can't stay here all day, my daughter put together a family dinner and expects my attendance. I have a few things to do before I go. Will you give this to him when he gets here?" Enji handed me an envelope.
       "Um sure. Can I ask what it is?" I examined the envelope. It looked completely ordinary, with Keigo's name written on the front.
       "It's a gift for helping me out today. Nothing major. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to." He opened his arms.
       "Bye Enji. I should be in working order by tomorrow and be back on patrol." He gave me a side hug and walked back to the front gates. Suddenly, Keigo flew in the window.
       "So what did Ol' Fireplace want?" I jumped at his sudden appearance.
       "Jesus, Keigo don't sneak up on me like that! Here." I aggressively handed him the envelope. He chuckled and took the envelope from me and opened it.
       "Nice!" He held up a coupon for his favorite wing place. Of course Enji would give him something like that. He sat the chicken he just bought down and placed the coupon in his wallet.
       "So my love, did you manage okay while I was gone?" He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.
       "Yeah I was fine. Just watched TV mostly." He rested his forehead on mine. He took a deep breath.
       "What do you say, we go out sometime?" He seemed nervous to ask.
       "You mean like, on a date? Like a real date?" I pull away and look into his eyes.
       "Yeah. You. Me. Nice dinner. I promise it won't be chicken wings." He smiled and leaned in for a kiss. I gave him a small peck.
      "I mean I would love to, but what about the paparazzi? You know you can't go anywhere without getting followed, and the fan girls will loose it if they see you with me." I began to ramble.
       "(Y/N)," he grabbed my chin and made me look up at him. "It'll be fine. I'll have some people on my security team make sure we aren't bothered too much. I don't care if the public knows about us. I love you and only you."
       I don't know how I feel about a security team watching over us, but I guess fame comes with a price.
       "Okay. Sounds good." Keigo pulled me in for a tight hug. His heart was racing, and his adrenaline was heightened.
       "Tomorrow evening? After patrol? We can come back here and change. I'll get everything set up, don't even worry about it." He was so excited and giddy like a child. He hadn't actually gone on a date yet, and it kind of made me nervous. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Authors note: Listen... I know it's been a while, but it is getting kind of crazy on my side of the pond. Happy Valentine's Day for those who celebrate. Can't relate, I'm hella single 🥲

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