Too shy

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Year 10:

A crush is something everyone had at least once or a good few times, on different people. I had a crush on this one girl since year 8 and I have felt nothing different between now and then. That little fluttery feeling was always there, no matter how many boyfriends she had, I was always there with her.

I saw her today in Chemistry and she sat by me. We didn't pay attention to class and started playing and messing around. I liked holding her hand and doodling on her palm and she liked playing with the ends of my hair. At the end of the lesson, she smiled and kissed me on my cheek and said, "Thank you for keeping me entertained." I smiled and nodded. Oh how I wanted to tell her that I liked her, but I was too shy.

Year 11:

We had gotten close from where we had started. We hung out every weekend, studying together, messing around together, doing anything and everything together. We were more than friends but never did we get together. When I would have to go back home, she would kiss my cheek and say, "thank you for spending time with me."
I smiled and nodded. I felt an urge to tell her how I felt, but I was too shy.

Year 12:

It was our final year. The last year we were going to be together. We studied a lot and helped each other out even during the exams. This was the year that we cherished every second we had, where we memorised every moment that we spent with each other. 

We had gone to Prom together, as nothing more than good friends. We danced, we sung and we laughed. Once I dropped her off, she kissed my cheek and said, "Thank you for being with me during Prom." I smiled and nodded. My heart told me to tell her how I felt but my gut said otherwise - I was too shy.

Our last moments:

I had watched her from afar and it always stayed that way. I was her husbands best man and he was my best friend. I watched as she said the wedding vows with that little sparkle in her eyes. I watched her grow and have three wonderful kids. They all took after her, just as beautiful as she was.

I watched her grow old, yet she was as kind as caring as she ever could be. She was the most wonderful person. I watched her grandkids run towards her and played with her. She wouldn't stop laughing with them - she was like an undying flower..

I watched her die. She held my hand and looked into my eyes with a smile. She beckoned me to lean down and I did so. "Thank you for spending this wonderful life with me." she said. She kissed my cheek gently and exhaled - her last breath.

I was at her funeral and her oldest daughter had stood up with a diary in her hand. She walked up to the stand and spoke. Even her voice sounded like her mothers..

"My mother.. she had asked me to read from her childhood diary. One specific page and I hope that the person she wrote this about is here to hear them.."

"My dear bestfriend. He was with me through my highest and lowest time. He was there when my many boyfriends walked away, he was there when I had trouble studying and he was there when I went to Prom. I would always kiss him on the cheek, secretly hoping that he knew that I liked him. I was too shy to say anything and I hoped that he would say something, anything to me.. but I grew old and I lived on. He was still there and he always will be, I know.." the girl paused, holding in tears. "But I wish I wasn't too shy.."

And with that, my heart ached and tears spilled out like a waterfall from my eyes...

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