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{This has been edited from the original story}

Tough is one of the first words that come to mind whenever my friends talk about me. They say I'm tough, strong, funny and talkative. Mind you - I started this new school less than seven weeks ago. They say that about me when I go to school - during our lunch breaks. But today, I realised something. I'm not the tough person they talk about. The person that they're talking about is her.

I had one of my friends come over today. We started talking and I started behaving like I do with my family - the genuine me. The me that I know.

She then looked at me, around an hour after she came. I looked back at her with a bright smile and asked, "what's up?"

Then she blinked a few times, regaining her posture but didn't look at me with that smile - except with a now knowing look. "I saw a side of you that I haven't seen before. I've learnt more about you than I did in all those classes we had together."

Then my eyes went wide and I asked, "what do you mean?" Obviously, I was confused.

"You care about your family, your siblings and everyone. You care about everyone no matter who they are. You aren't the person you pretend to be."


Thanks to all my wonderful readers! Please do vote, it makes me motivated! Any requests are also open!

~ Demonnix

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