Chapter 2

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        As September quickly turned into October, Dylan only knew one thing about the mysterious girl with the green eyes. Her first name, Lily. Truth be known, he probably wouldn't have known what her name was if she wasn't in his class. Maybe he wouldn't have known she had come to this school to begin with....but no. He would've at least bumped into her in the hallway at some point, and it still would've driven him as nuts as it is now. The one good thing, was that he wasn't the only one who didn't know any thing about her. Apparently, she hasn't really been seen talking or hanging out with anyone around school except for a football player that everyone just happened to be afraid of.  Although Dylan never talked to her, he still paid attention to her. He noticed how intensely she would pay attention in class. How she would tap her fingers on the lunch table when she wore her ear buds and listened to music while she ate. How she never bumped into anyone at all in the hallway on the way to class, just skillfully weaved her way through the crowd un-noticed (okay. maybe the bumping into her thing was a 1% chance kind of thing....). These things made Dylan desperately want to know more about her. These past two months, I guess you could say, has turned Dylan into some sort of stalker. But he didn't care. He was too busy wanting to know things.
        One day a week before Halloween, Dylan headed to his usual lunch table. Usually, Aaron would already be there, but he wasn't. Dylan brushed this off, seeing as his best friend was probably off talking to someone about something. Probably talking to a girl about the up coming Halloween dance next week. Five minutes later, Aaron appeared at the table holding two pieces of pizza and a can of root beer. He sat down.
"Where were you?" Dylan asked him casually.
"Who are you? My mother?" Aaron asked back, smirking. Dylan raised an eyebrow at him. Aaron sighed.
"I was talking to the new girl, Lily." Dylan almost choked on his lunch, which was a chicken burger. After all this time of not talking to anyone except the football player, she talked to Aaron! What makes Aaron so special? Dylan stole Aaron's root beer and quickly took a sip to wash the burger down his throat.
"The new girl talked to you?!" Dylan exclaimed, making no attempt to hide his surprise.
"Yeah. well, I talked to her first, but she did talk back. I asked her if she was going to the dance and she said that she was. she also said that if she saw me there, we could probably hang out." So Dylan was right. Aaron had been talking to a girl about the dance. Typical Aaron.
"So you just decided to talk to her? Do you even know anything about her?" Dylan asked, still in shock that she had decided to talk to his best friend.
"Well sure, not much though. Her name is Lily Crest. She is in the same grade as us. and her brother is that one football player everyone always sees her talking to, Matt Crest." Aaron said. Aaron was right, he didn't know much, but he still knew more then Dylan did. Had she told him about her brother? Or was Dylan too busy being a horrible stalker, that he missed this information? You know, being her stalker, you would've thought that he knew about this and more. I guess that explains why she always talks to him.  The school bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Dylan through his trash away and headed to his locker to grab his books for his next class. On his way there, he passed Matt. As he did, Dylan made sure to look at him, to see any resemblance between him and Lily. Matt had blonde hair and was not as pale as she was, but they had the exact same emerald green eyes. sure enough, they were siblings.
        Halloween rolled around, and so did the dance. Aaron was decked out as Batman, while Dylan had decided to go as a pirate. Bowls of candy, food, and punch sat on tables lining the walls of the gym the dance was being held in. An hour quickly passed while both the guys danced with multiple girls and ate boat loads of candy. Dylan laughed in happiness. he had to admit, he was having fun. He didn't think the night could get any better. but like usual, he proved wrong. At that very moment, Aaron appeared in front of Dylan with someone at his side.
"Dylan, I want you to meet someone." He said simply. It was Lily. Her brown hair was pulled into it's usual side braid and she was decked out in what looked like leafy armor that made no point in hiding her flat stomach. Her feet were bare. To Dylan, she looked like some sort of fantasy warrior.
"Hi I'm Lily!" Lily said, waving at him cheerfully with a smile. Dylan couldn't help but smile back. The girl he had been stalking for the past two months because of a dream was finally talking to him! and she was extremely nice!
"Hey, I'm Dylan." Dylan said, waving back. At that moment, a slow song came on.
"So, do you want to dance?" He asked awkwardly and nervously. he had danced with multiple girls before, but she made him nervous some how. Lily ignored his awkwardness and nervousness.
"Sure!" She said, quickly placing her arms around his neck. Dylan placed his hands respectfully on her waist, and they danced in silence. Not even a minute into the song however, Lily released Dylan.
"I'm sorry. I have to go." She said, quickly, running off towards the gym's door. Dylan watched as she left, confused. At the door stood Matt, he was waiting for her. Lily bounded through the door and walked away with Matt. Being the stalker that he was, Dylan decided to follow them. He couldn't deny it, he was curious. Dylan quietly made his way through the school's hallways until he could hear their voices.
"Are you insane?! showing up like that?!  you could've exposed us to any shadow warriors that could have been in there!" a voice said that Dylan recognized as Matt's.
"Oh relax. It's Halloween, nobody would've known." Lily said. at this, curiousness over came Dylan and he peered around the corner he was hiding behind. At the sight, his eyes widened. Matt looked pretty much the same except for that his outfit changed to male version of Lily's and he had a glow to him. Where as Lily also had the glow, but her hair color had changed. It was now a bright red. And to top it off, both of their ears were now pointed. Oh my- Lily actually was the girl from his dream! Dylan gasped. the gasp wasn't too loud, but in that empty hallway, it was like a giant blinking sign saying, 'I'm spying on you!'. Matt and Lily both spun around to see a shocked Dylan. Dylan made a move to run, but Lily quickly slammed into Dylan, pinning him into a row of lockers. Thunder cracked, signaling that a storm was coming.
"Big mistake." She growled into his ear. Maybe she wasn't as nice as he thought...

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