Chapter 4

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        "What! You mean they found us?!" Lily shouted at her brother. Matt shushed her, reminding her that she needed to keep her voice down.
"How did they find us?" She asked, quieter. Matt shrugged.
"I'm not sure, but they're here." He said, his brow crinkling in thought.
"Well maybe they wouldn't be here if somebody," She glared at Dylan, who slightly backed away from her gaze. "Didn't blow our cover." Matt put his hands on his sister's shoulders and spun her around to face him.
"Hey, don't blame him. It's not his fault. And besides, it doesn't matter now. All that matters is that we leave right now." Lily shook his hands off of her.
"Well how are we supposed to leave with a bunch of Shadow Warriors waiting to kill us outside?" She argued.
"I think I have an idea." Dylan said shyly. Both siblings spun to face the poor boy, causing him to shrink back some more.
'Well I was thinking that maybe we could take the front entrance and then go around the school to get to the football posts. It would probably also be a lot better than going through any back doors because they'll be expecting it more." He said, a little louder. Lily then burst out laughing.
"What ever possessed you to come up with a stupid idea like that?" Both Matt and Dylan blinked at her.
"It's not a bad idea Lily." Matt said, seriously. Lily stopped laughing.
"Seriously? We're going to go through with a plan some stupid mortal came up with on the spot?" Dylan gave her a hurt expression, but she only brushed it off.
"it's the best option we have. unless you have any better ideas." Matt pointed out.  Lily looked at the ground in thought while the boys anticipated her answer. She sighed and looked at the two of them.
"Alright, let's do it."
        Lily and Matt sped walked through the school's many hallways, dragging Dylan right behind them. A lot of strange looks were thrown their way from the students wandering the halls, but they just kept on walking. When they had almost reached the entrance, Lily stopped them and pulled them off to the side.
"Alright. I'm going to go a head and take down a few of the Shadow Warriors so you two can get to the opening a lot easier. We don't have much time."  Matt nodded in understanding.
"Be careful."
"Always." She said, grinning. She pulled out two magnificent glass daggers out of her back pockets and turned to face the entrance. She kicked the door off it's hinges for dramatic effect and sprinted around the corner of the building to begin the fight.  Matt smiled and shook his head, watching his sister go.
"Will she really be alright?" Dylan asked, concern laced in his words. Matt chuckled.
"Don't worry. Lily's a pro when it comes to this stuff." He said, patting him on the back. His face then suddenly turned very serious.
"Now remember Dylan. This isn't your average mortal battle, so you're going to see some pretty freaky shit. So whatever you do, no matter what happens, just keep running towards the opening."
"What does the opening look like?" Dylan asked.
"You'll know it when you see it. Do you understand?" Dylan nodded.
"Good. let's go." Matt ran off into the stormy night, Dylan close behind.
        The boys reached the football field and gawked at the scene before them. Hundreds of dark looking men and women could be seen on the field. They all had slender dark hair, pasty white skin and red piercing eyes. Their nails came to sharp points, just like their teeth. And they were all dressed in black, as if they were attending a funeral. Just like Matt and Lily, all of their ears were beautifully pointed. They were the Shadow Warriors. Rain pelted down on the warriors as thunder cracked above and lightning lit up the field. Lily was already locked heavily into battle, sweat and rain flying around as she slashed at her attackers. Bodies of a few Shadow Warriors  that Lily had already killed laid across the field.Gashes were already visible on her arms as blood trailed down them.  Matt didn't think she even noticed the pain much. Matt pulled something out of his back pocket and handed it to Dylan.
"Here, use this to protect yourself."
It was a long,  slender, silver sword. It had vines crawling up the blade and a magnificent sun carved into the hilt. Dylan placed it in his palms to test it's weight. It was light. As he moved it, it gave off a faint glow; as if the sword itself was magic. Matt nodded at him, pulled out an identical sword,  and ran off into the crowd of Shadow Warriors to go help his sister. Dylan watched the fight and noticed that none of the warriors had noticed him there yet. So he took the opportunity to find the opening.  His eyes scanned the field until they reached the far goal posts. His eyes widened in amazement.
"Wow.." He breathed.
The opening was a bright glowing doorway that stood in between the posts. The bright glow was like he was staring directly at the sun. Vines, carvings, and other random accessories decorated the door. Just like Matt's sword. You could practically see the magic come off of it in waves. The door hung open, revealing a little bit of the world on the other side. It was like the doorway to the impossible. The door way beyond imagination.
        Doing as Matt told him too, Dylan sprinted towards the opening as fast as he could. Unfortunately, as soon as he moved, he was spotted. The Shadow Warriors were a lot faster than he was, and one managed to tackle him to the ground. The shadow warrior sat on top of his chest, pinning his shoulders to the ground.
"Where do you think you're going mortal?" Said the Shadow Warrior. Her claws sunk into his shoulders as she leant down to lick the side of his face. Her tongue left a searing pain and Dylan hissed in response. She moved to rip his throat to pieces with her teeth, but was never given the opportunity. Lily came sprinting out of nowhere, slamming into the Shadow Warrior. Lily tackled the Shadow Warrior and now had a firm grip on them. The Shadow Warrior shrieked and squirmed.
"GO!" Lily shouted at Dylan. Dylan looked towards the opening and saw that Matt was already waiting there for them. He nodded and began sprinting towards it again. Lily slit the Shadow Warrior's throat with her dagger and began to sprint after him.  Shadow Warriors charged at them left and right, slowing them down slightly. Lily and Dylan cut them down as they ran. Matt was already on the other side of the opening and was shouting at them to hurry up. The door started to fade away, and time was running out. Lily looked up at her brother, determination in her eyes. As the last bit of the opening faded, on Matt's end of the opening, he was then flanked by a group of Shadow Warriors and was knocked unconscious. The opening closed and was gone.

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