Chapter 5

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         As the last bit of light from the opening faded away, the bodies of the now dead Shadow Warriors crumbled to dust. A slight early November breeze picked up the dust and carried it away. Any evidence of a supernatural battle on the field was now gone. Lily had un-ceremonially fallen to her knees and was gaping at the now empty space where the opening had been moments before. Dylan stood a couple feet behind her, shocked. He didn't know what to think of what happened. He just watched a guy from his school just get kidnapped by a group of supernatural That's not right. He wasn't just a guy from his school, he was a supernatural being too. He was also a brother and his sister was not with him. Dylan looked at Lily. He wondered how she was feeling-what she was thinking.  Coming to the conclusion that she was probably feeling a lot worse than he was, he took a few cautious steps towards her.  He placed a careful and gentle hand on her shoulder.
"Lil-" He began to try to comfort her, but was quickly cut off. Lily had gotten up and had spun around at a fast speed. She grabbed his collar in a death like grip and pulled him close to her face. Her beautiful un-earthly features were pulled tightly into an angry scowl.
"You," She growled. "You did this." Dylan didn't struggle or squirm in her grip, he knew there was no point in doing so. He stood there quietly, letting her scream at him.
"You killed my brother!" Lily accused. "If you weren't so fucking curious-if you didn't fucking follow me tonight and discover what I really was, we wouldn't be in this mess! Now those bastard Shadow Warriors have my brother! They're not going to let him live so now he's dead! And it's all your fault!! The only family I have is going to be killed because of you!!!"She yelled at him. She aggressively let go of the collar of his shirt. The force was enough to make Dylan stumble back a couple steps. Lily paced around the field, kicking up dirt and occasionally putting a few dents into the goal post. Dylan was almost positive she wanted to kill him. She did-she did want to kill him. Even though she knew in her heart that Matt wasn't dead just yet, she wanted to avenge him. But she couldn't. Lily wasn't going to let herself succumb to such evil. Then she would be one of them.  So, she wasn't going to kill him. She was going to take him to her majesty like she and Matt had originally planned to do. All the while she was going through this in her head, Dylan stood silently a few paces away, keeping his distance. He was silently cursing himself in his head for screwing up that badly. She was right, it was his fault. If he wasn't so curious, Lily and Matt wouldn't have blown their cover and Matt would still be with them. They would all show up at school the next day like usual, and Lily wouldn't want to kill him. Knowing how strong Lily is, Dylan was almost positive that this really was the end for him. After all, curiosity really does kill the cat.  
        All of a sudden, Lily spun around to face Dylan, scowl replaced with a calmer, serious expression. Dylan looked up, startled from his thoughts. Lily looked at Dylan.
"I assume you think I'm going to kill you?" She asked, casually. Dylan's eyes widened.
"You're not?" He asked, clearly surprised.
"No I'm not. I'm going to take you to her majesty like I said I would. Got a problem with that?" She asked, an eyebrow raised.  Dylan looked at her bewildered. It was like she completely forgot that her brother's kidnapping was all his fault.
"No!" He said, hurriedly.
"Good," Lily said, sternly. She pulled a map out of her back pocket. and spread it open. The map displayed anything and everything in the surrounding area. It was currently centered on the school and two figures, whom Dylan could only assume were the two of them. he looked down at the map in wonder. Near one of the far corners on the map, a dot pulsed in a faint glow. 
"This map is a very special map. It shows the location of the current holder-me, and certain things in the area. It shows if there are dangerous, threatening figures in the area, un-harmful figures-that would be you, and if there are any openings nearby," Lily explained, not looking up from the map. She then pointed to the glowing dot in the corner. 
"You see that? That's the closest opening right now. It's in the next town over," She said, folding the map back up and sticking it back in her pocket.
"Are we going to it?" Dylan asked.
"Of course. We don't know when it's going to close though, so we need to get there as quickly as we can,"  She said, looking up at the moon. "However, it's too late to find a way to get there right now. So we're going to need to find a place to stay for the night."
"We can stay at my house," Dylan suggested, hoping for a chance to say goodbye to his family.
"No," Lily said, dissolving Dylan's hope in an instant. "Staying at your home is too risky. The shadow Warriors have seen your face now and know that you're with us. If they track you to your house, they'll go after your family." Dylan nodded in understanding, trying to hide his disappointment.
"There's a small motel a few blocks from here. We'll stay there," Lily said, heading in that direction. Dylan followed her silently.
        They had found the small, cheap motel quite easily and quickly. It had only taken them twenty minutes to get there by walking. Scraping up the money that Dylan had in his pocket, they were able to afford a room. The room contained one queen-sized bed, two bedside tables, each with a lamp sitting on them, a couch, a small color TV, and a dresser. A small bathroom connected to the room. Dylan walked into the room. 
"Not bad..." He commented. He walked over to the bed and sat on it. '
"So we have to share this?" He asked, looking at Lily. Lily had not moved from the doorway.
"Actually, no." Lily said, causing Dylan to raise an eyebrow in confusion. Lily smirked.
"I sleep on the bed. You sleep on the couch."
"What! That's not fair!" Dylan protested, standing up.
"Yes it is. You're my prisoner, remember?" She said, grinning. She then turned around to leave. 
'"Anyways, I'll be back. I'm going to use the rest of this money to see if I can go get us some food from a restaurant we passed on our way here. While I'm gone, I suggest you take a shower. Once we pass through the opening, you won't be getting one for a while." Before Dylan could even respond, Lily was already gone.  Taking Lily's advice, Dylan took the opportunity to take  a shower. Dylan finished his shower in 5 minutes and had wrapped himself in one of the motel robes while his other rain soaked clothes dried. Dylan had decided to entertain himself by switching through the TV's few channels while he waited for Lily to return. He had managed to flip on a show, when he heard a quiet tapping on the room's only window. he looked out the window and saw a young beautiful window standing outside. The rain was pounding on her and she made a gesture that said she was cold. Being the kind and oblivious person he is, Dylan let her into the room.
"Thank you. I'm Veronica. What's your name?" She asked politely and sweetly. Veronica had sleek black hair and cherry red lips. Her cheeks had a slight pink to them and her crystal blue eyes held a sparkle to them. Her ears weren't pointed.
"I'm Dylan," Dylan said, coming to a conclusion that Veronica wasn't a Shadow Warrior.
"Well Dylan, you are very kind. Your kindness should be repaid," She said, inching closely to him.
"No, you do-" Dylan had begun to protest, but was then cut off. She grabbed his face and began kissing him passionately. Dylan froze. Before he had time to push her off, Veronica stiffened and crumpled to the floor in a pile of black dust. Dylan looked up towards the door and saw Lily standing there, she had thrown a dagger into Veronica's back.
"You idiot! What were you thinking!" She yelled at him.
"She was cold-" Dylan began to answer.
"Shadow Warriors never get cold! They're cold blooded! By the looks of things, she was going to seduce you and then kill you," Lily said, frustrated.
"I didn't know she was a Shadow Warrior.." Dylan said quietly.
"You didn't know her period. Dylan, you just broke one of the simplest rules ever," She said, sighing. Dylan stayed quiet, realizing his stupidity. Lily set a bag of KFC on one of the bedside tables and tossed something at Dylan, hitting him in the head. A set of clothes fell into his lap. Dylan looked up at Lily. She was wearing a simple white t-shirt and some jean shorts, a pair of sneakers were on her feet.
"Change into those. I found a department store beside the KFC and I'd figured why not. This way you don't have to parade around in your Halloween costume." Dylan nodded and took the clothes into the bathroom to change. He came out a few minutes later and busied himself with getting food. They ate in silence.
"So, how are we getting to the opening?" Dylan asked, breaking the silence.
"I'm not sure yet. I'll figure something out in the morning," Lily answered, throwing away the garbage. She then crawled onto the bed and into the covers, yawning.
"Get some sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow." Lily said quietly. Dylan nodded, and made himself comfortable on the lumpy couch. He closed his eyes and let himself drift off to sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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