| Apologies Pt.1|

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All of us have heard countless apologies

if we make a mistake, we apologies

and yet we still make more mistakes

| Y/N POV |

The school bell rang and I was late once again. My house is far from the school and I have to take a bus every morning, sometimes traffic is all it takes to be late.

I quickly ran up the stairs of the hall and ran towards my class with my bag on my side. Why bother even running anymore I'm just going to be late just like every other day. As I turned a corner still running, I blindly ran into someone causing my bag to fly in the air and all my work papers to fall on the floor. I landed on my knees but the other person still managed to not move.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you." I quickly tried gathering all my papers not even staring at the other person because I was too embarrassed. I saw them pick up some of my papers for me and they handed them to me. "Thank you," I said to them. I got up after getting myself together and grabbing all my papers and I finally saw their face.

I don't recognize her. She was very pretty, with beautiful brown eyes and hair that fit her face perfectly. She must have been new, I would've recognized her by now. We looked at each other for a moment but then she started to walk away from me. I don't blame her, she had to get to class and so did I.

I dashed into the classroom out of breath and tired, while loudly interrupting the class. "Miss l/n, late once again I see." the teacher said calling me out. "I'm sorry Mrs," I didn't want to further explain myself and decide to just take a seat. I noticed the girl from earlier was in this class, she sat next to my friend I-Tim, I took my seat as I sat behind the new girl.

I heard all sorts of whispers about the new girl, people calling her pretty or talking about how hot she was. None of it interested me, gossip was never my thing, I came to school just to study, get good grades and get it over with and that's pretty much it. Not shortly after I came to class "The Three Points" were outside the class window all looking at the new girl. The boys got scolded and got told to head back to class.

"Weirdos," I whispered to myself, the amount of perverted guys in this school is ridiculous. The guys were probably sexualizing her just like they do to every girl that transfers. It made me furious. I hated them so much ever since they made a whole group chat about me when I first transferred. I tried reporting them several times but the teachers never do anything. Remembering these times made me want to warn the new girl about them. I can't let them get close to her or who knows what will they'll do.

It was lunchtime now and I saw I-Tim and Taew hanging out with the new girl, I decided to wait until I-Tim was alone to hang out with her so I just ate lunch alone outside.

Not much later I saw I-Tim walking alone and decided to walk up to her. "Hey I-Tim," I said while walking beside her. "Hey, did you know about the new girl Nanno?"

"So that was her name," I thought to myself.

"I know we are in the same classroom," I said back to her.

"Yeah, she's really cool and pretty, me and Taew started showing her around earlier-" I-Tim said.

Not shortly after, Hok came towards us holding chocolate. "Hey, I-Tim!" he said while putting his hand on her shoulder. "Is this for me?" I-Tim holds the chocolate in her hand admiring the boy in front of her. I scowl behind her at the presence of the boy, he made me sick.

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