Chapter One- A Crown of Thorns

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Before you begin reading this story I want to thank you for taking the time to read it, I've been planning this fanfiction for a long time and I'm excited for people to finally read it! Feel free to leave any comments, thank you for reading, and enjoy!

This is the rewrite of the first chapter that used to be titled 'Emotions off, duties on' I've changed a couple of things and added others. I'm very happy with this rewrite and I'm so sorry for the long wait. The rewrite of the second chapter will be out soon!


3rd POV

Y/n never thought things would come to this; sure, she did know that one day she would have to take over the throne, but she never imagined that day would come so soon. Her father was an excellent king, loved by everyone in the kingdom, so most believed he would reign for many years. Unfortunately, those hopes were quickly crushed when the war started. King Erwin didn't want to start a war, but the moment King Zeke of Marley started attacking the kingdom and its people, Erwin knew he had to fight back, and he did, protecting his kingdom even during his dying moments.

His death was exactly what King Zeke needed to take the lead in the war and what Y/n had feared the most.
She had been prepared her entire life to become the Queen of Paradis, but she still had a lot to learn. Her parents had never pushed her into learning everything at a young age; they wanted her to have a somewhat normal childhood, but their good parenting was now causing Y/n and the kingdom a lot of trouble.

She was announced Queen the moment her father's death was confirmed; she didn't have a moment to take in what had happened, not even a second, because everyone was already waiting for her orders on what to do next. A part of her found it hard to believe the people of the kingdom would blindly trust a 20-year-old girl, but she also knew it was the only thing they could do, and she hoped she would do a good job as their queen.

The war hadn't stopped; if anything, it was just getting worse. Marley was preparing to attack Paradis once again, while the kingdom was still recovering from the previous battle. They couldn't afford another fight, but there wasn't much they could do; they had to find a way to stop or delay the attack somehow.

So that's what Y/n had been trying to figure out since her father's death; her coronation was still being planned, but it should happen by the end of the week. It wouldn't be very public given the fact they didn't want to risk any chance of an attempted assassination on her, not that they believed anyone would be dumb enough to try and kill her.

Then again, she knew someone who would be dumb enough to have a go at it: Eren Yeager. He used to be a close friend of Y/n's, but after a mission in the war, he completely changed. There were no previous signs that something was going on with him; one day he just left. The next time Y/n heard of him, he had a group of people with him called the Jeagerists. They didn't want to stop the war; if anything, they wanted to grab the army and head towards Marley to attack. He even sent Y/n a letter, which read:

"You can't waste any more time; you have to get your revenge and attack; if you don't act soon, we'll do it ourselves."

Y/n knew he was serious, which was another reason why she had to do something soon.


There were three knocks at her door, followed by her father's voice.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

"Yes, it's unlocked," she said.

Levi opened the door and walked in, closing it once inside. He went over to Y/n who was sitting at her table.

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