Chapter Two- Suffocating on Time

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3rd POV

"Slow down!" Sasha shouts as she runs past the man and towards Y/n, trying to catch up with her.

Y/n continues walking to her bedroom. Once she gets there, she opens the door and then turns to look at Sasha. "Wait here," she says.

"But why-" she begins asking.

"Just stay here, please," Y/n replies, interrupting her. Sasha nods.

She walks into her bedroom and closes the door. In truth, Y/n didn't need to get anything from her bedroom; she just needed a moment to breathe before going back to all her royal duties. Having to deal with morons like the council can be exhausting, and she needed a couple of seconds to just think.

"Go to war; what are they thinking?" She mumbles, pacing the room, "I'm surrounded by idiots."

She sighs, walking over to her table. She stares down at the blank piece of paper she was trying to write something on earlier.

"First Marley, and now Eren," she mutters angrily as she grabs the piece of paper and crumbles it. "What am I going to do?"

There are two knocks on the door that make Y/N's attention leave her problems for a second. She walks over to the door, which opens.

"It's Marco; he wants to speak with you for a second, alone," Sasha tells her standing in the doorway.

"Okay, let him in," Y/n says, regaining her composure.

Sasha nods and steps aside, letting Marco walk in. She goes to shut the door to leave the two to talk, but before she does, she tells Y/n that she'll be outside.

"Your majesty," he says, making a small bow with a smile on his face.

"Marco, please don't start with that now," Y/n says, rolling her eyes.

He chuckles walking over to her, saying, "It is a bit funny, and you know it."

"Yes, maybe a little bit," she says, smiling. "What did you want to talk about?" she asks.

"I have news," he begins explaining. "You know, I have just recently been given the title of Lieutenant, and just after that happened, I had to leave. During that time, the officers in command, as well as Mikasa and Captain Levi, realized that I would be too busy now to be your personal guard, which they were right about, and so I decided to find a replacement, a new guard to protect you."

"Marco, you cannot be serious right now," Y/n says, surprised by the news.

"I'm not able to protect you anymore, Y/n," he says, placing his hands on her shoulders. "But I've found someone new; he's great at his job; he's a strong man; he'll do a good job-"

"Marco, you have been by my side for eleven years!" Y/n shouts, interrupting him, "You know me better than anybody else in this palace; you cannot find a replacement; nobody will ever be you! You are one of the few people I trust with my life; how could someone I don't trust be my royal guard?"

"Because I trust him. I trust him; he's been in the royal guard for years; he's a good man; he doesn't gossip; he's very strong; and yes, he'll be a stranger at the start, but I promise you that you will get to know him and you will trust him." Marco tells her calmly, understanding why she doesn't like the idea. "You have to trust me."

Y/n takes a deep breath, closing her eyes for a second. "Alright," she finally says, "I trust you, but it will not be the same, and if I don't like him, you'll either have to find someone else or you'll come back, understood?"

Marco nods with a faint smile. "Of course, but I'm sure you'll like him."

"We'll see"

"You should meet him in a couple of minutes; Nile is bringing him here; if you need anything, you know where to find me." He grabs her hand and places a kiss on it. "Try to be patient with him," he says as he walks over to the door and opens it.

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