Chapter three: Unwanted Problems

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This is the rewrite of the third chapter that used to be titled 'Strangers in the night' I've changed most things in regards to this chapter and I'm sorry there haven't been that many Reiner x reader interactions but there will be more in the next chapter!

3rd POV

(I listened to 'right where you left me' by Taylor Swift while writing this bit)

"Have you spoken to her lately?" Y/n asks Armin as the four stand outside her office.

"Yes, but she has not said much; she normally asks about Eren; it has been really hard for her; I need you to keep that in mind; she has never left his side ever since they met, until now," Armin explains as he turns to look at Y/n, a painful look in his eyes. He'd be a liar if he didn't accept that it had also been hard for him after Eren left.

"Do not worry." Y/n replies with a soft tone, "I know better than anyone how painful it is to lose someone."

She knocks on Mikasa's door and waits for an answer. Sasha is looking at her nervously while Reiner just quietly stands behind her; if it weren't for his build, she would even forget he was there.

"Mikasa, please answer; it is me Y/n-"

"Queen Y/n!" Sasha points out, interrupting her midway.

"Shh, quiet!" Y/n whispers loudly at her. "We just want to talk; see if you are doing okay," she says sweetly.

There's no response; everyone looks at each other, worried.

"Perhaps we should give her more time," Armin suggests, but Y/n shakes her head.

"No, we must do something; if we give Eren more time, who knows what he will do?" Y/n says with a serious tone.

There are too many issues she's dealing with right now, and since she can't do anything regarding Marley, she might as well deal with the Jeagerists.

The door to Mikasa's office opens, and everyone's heads turn to look at it as Mikasa stands in the doorway. "I apologise for taking so long; I was organising something," she says in her usually gentle voice. "It is nice to see you all," she adds with a soft smile.

"It's nice to see you too." Y/n replies, smiling back at her, "But we must talk."

Mikasa's face drops; she knows exactly what Y/n wants to talk about. She takes a deep breath and nods. "Yes, let us talk in my office then; come with me," she says as she walks back inside her office, not waiting for an answer.

Everyone followed Mikasa without speaking as they made their way to her office. Once the door was closed and they were alone, Y/n cleared her throat and started speaking.

"I completely understand your arduous predicament. I am well aware that this is not an easy thing to ask, but we are desperately in need of your assistance," Y/n said calmly while taking a seat.

Mikasa stayed quiet for several seconds before replying quietly, "I know why you have come here today, Y/n. You demand I track him down."

Yn nodded her head slightly but regretfully as she acknowledged her request.

"I do, yes," she admits.

Mikasa sighs as she looks down at her table; her expression is neutral, but since Y/n, Armin, and Sasha have known her for years, they have an idea of what's going on in her mind and how conflicted she must feel.

"We're sorry to burden you with this, but we would not be asking for your help if we had any leads," Armin states, his tone soft like when he was a kid, always there to help others.

I love you, but I don't (Reiner x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now