Chapter 6 (Elijah)

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I don't know how to explain. I know I have to explain, but how.

How am I supposed to destroy this girl's life?

How am I supposed to find the words to explain the obvious?

How am I supposed to be okay when I've surgically removed okay, when I threw and stomped on and terrorized okay with the objects I don't remember, when okay is no longer recognizable?

I pick myself up off the floor and I'm still screaming please in my mind.

I wipe off the nothingness of dust and I'm still screaming Cosmelia in my mind.

I walk into her room with the thinking of my feet and I'm still screaming remember in my mind.

I open my mouth to speak and I'm still screaming at her in my mind and I'm so surprised it didn't sneak it's way into my voice that I don't even follow after the tail of sound slipping between the cracks of my lips and I explain.

Ignoring the tears dancing to life on her cheeks.

Ignoring how so so so lost and terrified and confused her eyes speak.

Ignoring my urge to scream at her for having the audacity to forget.

Ignoring, I explain how she spent the last seventeen years of her life living in a stimulation. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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