Chapter 7

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*Nycole's POV*

I stepped out from behind the crate and ran over to Ghost. "Ghost" I stated. "You have to get Toast free and back to HQ, do not worry about me, I will be fine. Once I get back I must tell you guy's something very important."

"Woah! No! I will not let you fight Maxwell alone! He's too strong for you!" I sighed.

"I really am sorry for this Johnny but you must let me do this you can either watch or free Toast and take him back to HQ. It is your choice, but you must get Toast out of here. Trust me I can defete Maxwell." He looked at me with sad eyes and began to untie Toast. "Thank you Johnny" and I turned around and went to go face Maxwell.

*Ghost's POV*

I had the worst feeling as I let Nycole go fight Maxwell. I turned my attention to Toast. I shook him and he started to wake up. I quickly began to undo his ropes. They where on super tight and left a burn mark on his legs and arms.

"Sir, what happened?" Said Toast.

"Maxwell took you here and Nycole just went off to go fight him."

"But Sir! Maxwell is too powerful for her!"

"I know Ghost but we must trust her."

"Sir, could we go help her? I feel ready to fight Maxwell today!"

"Ok lets go!"

*Nycole's POV*

I rounded the corner and saw Maxwell floating above the ground, twirling his gun. I walked out and went and stood infront of him. "Oh what is this? No weapon? Hmm dosen't affect me! Lets fight!" he lifted up his gun and pulled the trigger but I dodged it. I summoned my power and moved a crate infront of him. "WHAT?!?!" he shouted.

"Ha! Now who's in trouble MAXWELL!?!?" I shouted at him. I raised my hand and jumped on a wooden 4 by 4 plank and rose into the air, so I could fly. I lifted all the crates and some huge metal pipes. I brought them all close to Maxwell. He began to use his telekintic powers., but it was no use, I was stronger than him.

I brought a pipe around his head and knocked him out cold. I picked him up with my power and placed the crates down. I heard foot steps as Ghost and Toast rounded the corner and looked shocked.

Toast spoke first. "Umm Nycole what is with Maxwell?" He pointed to him floating beside me with my hand up like I was keeping him off the ground.

I stopped and dropped him to the ground and he moned. "I.. uhh... umm please don't freak out! I'll explain later ok?" I got some ropes and tied him up really tight.

"Umm lets lock him up back at HQ, ok?" The boy's both nodded and helped me carry him out to the P.I.E van. I sat in the back with Maxwell and Toast drove us home with Ghost riding shotgun.

*Time Skip*

I hopped out of the van and helped carry Maxwell in and tie him up in Anti-ghost ropes and put him in the ghost cage down in the basement. Ghost was pacing back and forth and Toast seamed rather calm. I sat down on the couch and then the question came from Ghost that we where all thinking. "How and why and How?" He stated.

I sighed. "This is something I should have told you guys a long time ago." I reached into my vest and pulled out the two books and put them on the coffee table by the couch. "This is a spell book" I pointed to the one on the right. "And this is a info book on the paranormal" I pointed to the one on the left.

"How dose it work?" asked Ghost.

"I'll show you, now what kind of spell do you want?" I asked them. They turned and looked at each other and Toast went first. "First what kind of spells are there?"

"Well there is a movement spell. It is the one I used to defete Maxwell. And there is just about anything in here."

"Hmm well what about becoming a ghost?" asked Ghost. I fliped the page and found it.

"Yep now do you want me to do that to you ghost?" I asked. "The duration is 5 Minutes."

"Uh sure?"

"Toast please step back but you may watch." Toast took a couple of steps back. I raised my hand and began to recite the spell, tyoto, calbra, maytsa, Johnny Ghost, hist!" Ghost began to fade untill he was translucent. He went up a little bit and back down.

"AHHH!!! WHAT!?!?" he screamed.

"SHHHH!!!! calm down it only lasts 5 minutes! Clam yourself!" I exclaimed. It took him a minute but he did get the hang of being a ghost. He floated around the room smiling. "Alright Toast, your turn!" I said.

"Hmm what about being able to summon things from mid air?" I flipped through till I was at the front of the book.

"A simple spell with only two words but with your name three words! Yep it's here! Want to give it a go Toast? It only lasts for 10 minutes though."

He looked at me with a smile. "Sure go ahead!" I began to say the spell.

"Surmon Johnny Toast!" I said. Toast's hands started to glow faintly. He waved his hand and then he had a muffin in his hand.

"Wow, that's amazing Madam!"

"Your welcome" I said. I closed my book and put it and the other book in my vests inside pocket. "Now it's late and I whipped so i'm going to bed now, ok boys? Good night!"

"Good night!" said Ghost who was changing back from a ghost to a normal person.

"Good night" said Toast as he summoned a cup of tea. I headed up stairs and to my room to go sleep for the rest of the night.

(Yay! Toast is ok! Hope you enjoyed he long chapter! What do you think of Nycole's Spell Book? And what should happen next? I am sooo out of ideas so leave a comment about what you think should happen! Thanks!)

A Secret To KeepOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora