Chapter 9

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~Toast's POV~

I woke up in the morning at about 8 am. I put on my usual attire and knocked on Sir's door.

Knock Knock

No answer. I knocked again and this time I got a responce. "Hmmmbaaaawaa?? Come in..." I opened the door and found him in his grey hoodie and black pants with blood stains on them. He sat up as I got closer to his bed.

"Sir? What happened to you? Was it him again Sir?" I asked the tired looking Ghost.

"Yeah... oh and Nycole cannot find out, she would freak out." he mumbled into his pillow.

"Sir why don't you get cleaned up and come down for breakfast?"

He sat up and rubbed his eye's. "Ye- Sure... i'll be down there soon ok Toast?" I nodded and left his room and closed his door. I hope Sir can fight Jimmy, I thought to myself.

~Ghost's POV~

I got up out of bed after Toast left the room. I put on a tee shirt and my grey hoodie and my blue jeans. I grabbed my satchel and combed my messy brown hair. I ran down stairs and sat down and started to eat the pancakes Toast had made. "So Nycole, have you seen Maxwell lately?"

"Uhh no, I haven't. But he's not causing trouble so why bother with him?" She said.

"Hmm yeah, good point. Hey Toast? Do we have any Investgations to go on today?"

"No sir." Said Toast.

"Oh umm if we don't have anything going on I'm going to go by Crytal's house today and she might come home with me ok? Is this ok with you guys?" Said Nycole.

"That's fine with me" Said Toast.

''Yeah cool with me" I replied.

"Awesome! Thanks guys! And btw I would have made you say yes anyways but I now don't have to! See you guys later!" And she ran out the door. I heard her start her go-cart and drive off.

~Nycole's POV~

It was Friday and I was at Crystal's house once again. I had been meaning to tell her about my spell book, but had never gotten around to it. And there was the fact that I wanted it to be my secret. My spell for moving things had lasted a day longer than I thouht, must have said one word wrong to make it last longer. We sat in "The Place" and I chatted with her for a bit until I got a call from Toast.

I picked up my phone and answered it. "Hello."

"Hey Nycole we got case and thought you should come because... well you know."

"Yeah! Cool I'll be there soon and can I bring Crystal?"

There was a pause and I herad whisper's coming from Ghost and Toast. "Yeah sure just get her a ghost gun and salt."

"Will do and see you soon." I hung up the phone and looked at Crystal. "Well you always wanted to go hunt ghosts with me so here we go!" I raced out of the place and hopped in my go-cart. Crystal was right behind me and we sped off for HQ.

*Time Skip* *At HQ*

I hopped out of the go-cart and opened the door to HQ. We walked inside and found Toast in the kitchen finding the first-aid kit. "Hey Toast!" I said. He looked up and then at Crystal. Her long, stright blonde hair was over her sholders and had a leaf in it. He waked over and took the leaf out and shook hands with her.
"Hello madam! Welcome to your first ghost hunt with the P.I.E team!" She smiled and was handed a ghost gun by me.

We looked at the stairs and saw Ghost standing there, with his mouth open halfway. He quickly closed it and walked the rest of the way down the stairs and tripped on the last one. "Oh hey Crystal! Nice to see ya!"

"Yeah, you to" she responded.

"Ok we all ready?" Asked Ghost.

"Yes" we all said at once.

"OK then... TO DA P.I.E VAN!!!" exclaimed Ghost and he ran twords the door but forgot to open the door and full on body slammed the door. He stood up, opened the door and we all plied in the P.I.E van.

*Time Skip* *At random house in mountains*

We all climbed out of the van, ghost guns at the ready. Ghost walked foward and opened the door slowly. It was an old house from the 1900's and was in poor condition. We walked inside with Ghost leading the way.

"Ok Toast and I will go to the left, you and Crystal go to the right, if you find anything come back here or call. Got it?" Said Ghost. We nodded and went to the right.

I walked in front of Crystal. We had our ghost guns at the ready and I heard some noise coming from another room in the house. I told Crystal to wait here while I check it out. I heard the most recent and cowboy-ish, annoying laughter that I wish I had never heard again. Maxwell. Why here? "I thought we killed him last time!" I whispered to Crystal.

"Who is Maxwell?" Asked Crystal.

If you don't know VenturianTale, this is you, isn't it? Go watch them NOW. Back to the story...

"Who is Maxwell, you say?" I turned around to see who had said this, of course, it was Maxwell. "Oh, now who do we have here? I'm not sure if I should be scared of you people. You're not really the brightest bunch I see. Oh well, that doesn't matter. Your new friend won't be herself for a little bit... yes we'll say that." He mused.

I looked up at him and summoned the last of my energy on the movement spell that was in effect on me. I slammed him with a door behind him and grabbed Crystal by the wrist and ran. "CRYSTAL!!!!" I shouted at her. "Call Ghost...NOW!!!" We hid behind a corner and she called Ghost. He was over here in a minute.

"What happened!?" He said. I quickly explained that we had come across Maxwell.

"Well now that we know what we're up against, let me and Toast handle this." Said Ghost.

"No way guys, I can help!" I shot back. He looked at me and then Crystal. She was here and maybe I shouldn't show her about my book yet but something had happened to Crystal. She was gone. "We have to find Crystal!" I shouted.

"We will Nycole, just calm down" said Toast. Suddenly there was a scream coming from the basement. I ran to the door and burst through the door, ghost gun at the ready.

There is where it came from. I walked into the big open, empty, dark room. There sat Crystal in a huge cage. Maxwell was over her and she wasn't moving, but she was breathing. Thank goodness. I pointed my gun at him and fired. It got him right in the eye. He flinched and looked at me with one mad eye.

"Oh, back again for more? But first I have to take care of your friend." He smiled and she started to glow green like his eyes. There was a flash of green light and I couldn't see her anymore. Maxwell was gone and the door was still sealed shut. Crystal was no longer there. In her place slumped a wolf with brown glossy coat. It was unconscious laying in the cage.

I ran over to the cage and tried to force the door open. Nothing. I quickly recited a strenght spell and wrenched the door off its hinges. Nothing stands in my way when i'm mad. NOTHING.

I quickly ran to the wolf knowing what had happened. Ghost and Toast appeared by my side looking at me for wrenching a soild steal door that weighed 300 pounds, off its hinges with ease.

I picked up the wolf but dropped it as it started to glow green, again. There was another flash and Crystal was where the wolf was. She was unconscious, again. I picked her up and ran back to the P.I.E van with Ghost and Toast begind me saying nothing. I sat in the back with Crystal and Ghost drove to HQ.

(And... cue Cliffhanger!!! I just love those! Anyways enjoy the story and leave a comment peoples! Any ideas are good ones for this story! Thanks!)

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