Battle of the Fathers

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Schaffe then says, "now then gentlemen or ladies can't tell with the masks do I have to remind you, you're in my territory." Ryojin then says, "Lord Frye you dare show yourself to us when you have our property." Schaffe then says, "yours how when was a gift from an Aku family member." The man then says, "we have no choice then Grandfather we must fight them." Ryojin then says, "it seems so." Schaffe then says, "I see then." Schaffe then snaps his fingers and everyone teleported away to different locations.

Akira then finds himself in the middle of the forest with an Aku Clan Member. The Man then says, "so your the man who took care of my daughter." Akira then says, "so then you must be Sakura's father." The man then takes his mask off and he had silver hair, green eyes, and pale skin. The man then says, "my name is Saki Aku and I am a Fire Mage." Akira then says, "my name is Schaffe Frye the Fourth also known as Akira, I'm a Master Six Star Elite and on the Ten Saints." Saki then says, "so your kinder man than what they used to say about you." Akira then says, "I am no longer the Angel of Death I am Akira." Saki then says, "I see but I'm sorry Akira but this is where you die." Akira then says, "rather not fight you as we could be future brothers-in-law." Saki then says, "oh has my daughter taken a liking to your son." Akira then says, "well she straight forward to him but Ichigo let's just say was more into his studies than girl growing up." Saki then says, "I see then he must make you proud." Akira then says, "that's right his dream is to be a Doctor and I hope he realizes his dream."

Saki then makes his left in a soshin gesture and says, "'Flametounge'" A fire sword appears in his right hand. Akira then lunges at Saki and they clash with each other. Akira then parries him off. Saki then slashes fire at Akira but he dodges it with his fast speed. Saki then says, "impressive." Akira then thinks, "KiJutsu huh Grandfather."

Akira remembers when he took his affinity test with Schaffe. Akira sticks his right finger in the cup of water and the water starts to make a small whirlpool. Schaffe then says, "lighting that a rare one." Akira then says, "why to bother I suck at using magic." Schaffe then says, "True Magic is mostly talent most people spend most their life perfecting old traditional spells but Akira you could spend your whole life learning magic but the ones you create your own would make you immortal because people will see you as a legend." Akira then says, "the grandfather I think you saying that when I was still a kid would work." Schaffe then says, "Akira your only thirty-five plus your immortal you have the end of time to perfect yourself my boy plus I fear people who are unique in their technique than grand wizards."

Akira then makes a blue right see-through come out and makes a soshin gesture. Saki then says, "KiJutsu but I you have average mana." Akira then says, "so doesn't mean anything." Akira then starts to emit electricity. Saki then says, "A Lighting user but they make destructive attacks then build it up." Akira then says, "I'm only making this my KiJutsu Style." Akira then looks he gets ready to lunge at Saki and then the ground under him cracks apart and he disappears and Akira appears behind Saki. Saki stands there shocked with cuts all over him. Akira then sheathes his sword and says, "'One Thousand Slashes In A Second'." Saki then says, "I see amazing." Saki then falls to the ground. Akira then says, "your wounds are minor I had no intention of killing you." Saki then says, "please tell me does she like your son." Akira then says, "I think so Ichigo somehow became a beacon of light she was looking for." Saki then says, "I see years ago when my wife Sakuya gave birth to her I was so happy but my family was only interested in one thing after she escape her mother took her own life and I was only a coward Akira please would continue to look after her." Akira then says, "of course, we are fathers after all I had no idea what to do after Yumi's death but it was my children who save me from the darkness."

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