Chapter 2

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When Nova got to Minnesota she checked into the hotel then decided to check out the bar a few blocks back that she had passed. As she pulled into the Parking lot, she spotted a black 1967 Chevrolet Impala and her eyes went wide.

"Is that? No it couldn't be." She shook her head as she pulled into a parking spot and stared at the car as she thought about the person who had the car.


Nova had realized her dad was in trouble so she went through some of his things and found a number of someone that he knew.
The number went to voicemail, to which it had another number to call if it was urgent so that's just what she did.

She talked to the person and they agreed to meet with her and try to help her dad.
They agreed on a little diner close to her place, Nova told them she'll be in the back corner of the place, which was her favorite spot whenever she went.

Nova was fiddling with the straw in her drink when a voice called her name "Nova?"

She looked up, "Yeah, I'm Nova."

"I'm Dean, John's son." He said as he placed his hand on his upper stomach.

After he sat down they started discussing what Nova knew and why she needed their help. When he was fixing to leave he refused to let her go.

"And why can't I come? I know a few things about this case. My dad has taught me things so I'd know how to defend myself."

"No offense but it's because you're a girl and girls shouldn't be in this line of work. Yes, it's awesome you know how to defend yourself but come on, this stuff is so dangerous and no girl should do this sort of job."

After they finished their argument, he left but she didn't stay, she secretly followed him to the spot where her dad was being held.

Even though he was mad she followed him, he was grateful because she saved his life along with her dad's. To pay her back he took her out on a date but after the date they had a one night stand.


Nova got out of the car and walked inside. Once she noticed him sitting at the bar, she smirked, and went over, leaning her back against the bar and elbows on the edge. He hadn't changed much, just looked a little older since it had been 4 years since their night.

"Fancy seeing you here."

He turned and looked at her, "Wow, something you don't see every day, a woman using pick up lines."

She let out a light laugh, "You don't recognize me do you?"

"No, should I?" He took a drink of his whiskey.

"Does the name, Nova Trader ring a bell?" She smirked.

He looked her up and down, "Nova? Wait, your dad was the hunter on that." He snapped his fingers, "Croatian case."

She nodded, "The one I saved both of your asses on after someone was said girls can't do something like that."

"Ah that's right." He nodded once, "Yeah sorry about that. I was young and stupid."

She shrugged one shoulder "We all make mistakes." She ordered a beer and sat down next to him "So you still in the business?"

"Yeah, unfortunately." He nods, "Was me and my dad while my brother was in college but he quit after his girl died and now he's also in the business. What about you?"

"Kinda the same. I finished college and just started into it. My dad refused to let me be a hunter, wanted me live as much as a normal life as possible. And I did until recently."

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