Chapter 3: dream come true

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{jahseh pov}

"I hope you guys have an amazing day, and I hope this made you guys day go a little better"I told the kids at the meet and greet I have them all money and toys

I walked outside to my car and got in where ski was waiting on me and drove off

"Nigga what we doing today there gotta be some shit on the flo"he said and I honestly don't know

"Nigga we go to parties like damn near every day how the fuck can you be bored"I told him laughing

"Shid ion know, let's go to my Fran house tonight her name gena, she got all da hoes there"he told me and I signed

"I'm tired of these hoes I just want one person"I told him

"That you don't even know if she's real or not"he said and I chuckled

"Yea you right but i don't know I can feel it like she's in the world somewhere I just gotta find her"I told him and he patted my shoulder

"Ight vro all I can do is support ya ass"he said

"But I don't know I don't think ima come"I told him honestly

"Bro come on please you spin me last time"he said and I sighed

"Alright I'll come, what time"I asked him

"6:00"he told me and I nodded that i understand
Later that day
{Naomi pov}

I heard a knock on my bedroom door I got out of bed and went to the door opening it normally he would walk right in

I opened the door to see destiny and not my dad

"Oh shit when did you get here"I asked her and she laughed as she walked and my room closing the door back

"Just a few minutes ago your dad let me in"she told me and she sat on my bed But she had that look on her face

"Spill it"I said laughing and she squealed

"Can you please come to my cousins gena house with me today"she asked me I hesitated but then I gave in

"Yea sure only because you want me to though, who's going to be there besides her"I asked

"Just a few of her friends maybe a few boys"she told me and I shrugged

"I mean yea I guess we can go what time"I asked her

"6:00"She said and I looked at my clock

"Damn it's already 5:55"I told her and she smiled and went to the closet

"Yea I know just slip on something"she told me and grabbed my Nike tank top and jacket with some black leggings and my Nike slides And handed it to me

She normally picks my outfits out when she's over so this didn't bother me

I took off my pajamas and put on the clothes then slipped on my slides and grabbed my purse and phone and we walked out my room downstairs

I seen my dad and walked over to him

"Hey baby, where you going"he asked me

"With her to gena house, I'll be back shortly I'll call and check in to so keep your phone off dnd"I told him and we laughed I gave him a kiss on the cheek

"Love you daddy"I told him and he gave destiny a hug

"I love you too, and you you girls be safe and destiny you should come over more I haven't seen you two together like this in a while"he told her and she gave him a smile

"I will pops"she said and we left out and got in her car and she drove off

Something is really bothering me like I'm going to receive the most shocking news or some shit

"Hey you okay"destiny asked me

"I mean yea I just have a gut feeling that something shocking is going to happen today that's all"I said and she chuckled

"Hopefully something good happens then"she said and I looked out the window

"Yea hopefully"I said
(Gena house)

I walked in the house and was greeted right away by gena and her friends some of them I remembered but some I didn't

"Oh my god heyyyyy I haven't seen you in what feels like forever bro"she said as we exchanged a long hug

"Man doe how you been"I asked her and she gave me a player smile

"I'm good....I'm sorry to hear about your mom, how has things been are your and pops okay"she asked and I nodded yea

"It's fine really we're doing good"I told her and she gave me a slight smile

"Come on I wanna introduce y'all to my friends she said as we went to the basement and there was Alex, Kaiden,keke, and Brandon and a few other people


Oh my god it's him that's him that's x THE BOY FROM MY FUCKING DREAMS HES....he's here

She introduced me to every one but I couldn't believe it the boy I dream about twenty four 7 is here I even daydream about you

We made eye contact and heroines as if he was shocked but about what, has he been dreaming about me..

No no it's not possible it can't be this is just some coincidence

He walked upstairs passing by me and god he smelled so good he looked good...he's real I smiled to myself

"Hey your okay"destiny asked me and I smiled and pulled her to the side

"You know x right?"I told her
"Yeahhhhh"she said and I smiled bigger

"That's the boy I've been dreaming about it's crazy cause I've never met him but he's the one I'm sure of it he looks like the boy in my dreams literally isn't this some crazy deja vu shit"I told her and she looked confused

"Woah there you mean to tell me-

"Yes yes yes that's exactly what I'm telling you"I told her before she could finish the sentence

She smiled and touched my shoulder

"I think you should go speak to him I mean it's not every day you get to me the person in your dreams"she told me and I hugged her

"Okay"I said and walked upstairs I didn't see him in the living room nor the kitchen I smelled a cigarette and it was coming from the back porch I walked closer and there he was looking at the sky from the balcony

What if I'm just going crazy

What if this isn't real

There's only one way to find out

I walked on next to him and leaned on the balcony

"You shouldn't smoke those, they stink"I said and he laughed a bit just like in the dream

"Yea..I know your pretty" he told me those...those were the same words he told me in my dreams I could feel myself blushing

This isnt a dream anymore

It's reality

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