Chapter 8:changes

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{Naomi POV}

My hair was did and my nails was it only took 20 minutes earlier I lied to him and his mom


We got in the car and I pulled off

"You don't got no hair appointment and u never said we was getting our nails did"destiny said

"Because, he's famous now I wouldn't wanna mess up his image I'm not all that good myself he probably did ask just being nice but I didn't want him paying for anything else and it looks like he was spending time with his mom"I told her

"I think your over thinking it you meet the boy of your dreams and now it looks like your distance with him"she told me

"This is Coming from the person who doesn't even like him"I told her laughing

"I still kinda don't but if he makes you happy then go for it, who cares what I think"she told me and I looked at the road

"Maybe"I said and started speeding

Flashback over

I dressed up but not really it's just a party and I didn't care for them I'm only going because he's there, and I'm obsessed ——We walked into the Airbnb and it was even bigger inside ski and x were performing destiny went str8 for the liquor i chu...

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I dressed up but not really it's just a party and I didn't care for them I'm only going because he's there, and I'm obsessed
We walked into the Airbnb and it was even bigger inside ski and x were performing destiny went str8 for the liquor i chuckled

I followed her cause I didn't wanna lose her and she poured me a cup as well I drinked a little it was strong

"Damn"she said and I laughed a girl walked up to her and tapped her shoulder

"Hey wanna dance"she asked her and she looked at me

"Go I'll be fine"I told her and she went off I watched as x performance with ski girls we're dying

As soon as x took his shirt off and chuckled downing my cup...soon they stopped performing x was about to talk up to x but a white girl walked up to him and whispered in his ear he laughed and they went upstairs

I don't know why but that just hurt my feelings a lot I went to the kitchen and took like 7 shots of henny and patron I felt myself getting more and more fucked up

This is crazy I'm just over thinking it hey probably just talking I stumbled up the stairs past people I didn't know and the hallway was empty i every door was open but one I stumbled to it and seen the door was cracked

I peeked threw and seen x fucking the white girl I mean it's what I expected a tear formed in my eyes but I wiped it I don't know why I'm crying he's not even my nigga I turned around and seen ski he was looking at me like he felt bad about what I saw I took his shot out his hand and downed it

And gave him his cup back

"Naomi"ski said as I walked away

"It's fine"I told him and I went back to the kitchen and drinked sum more

I was fucked up but I liked this feeling the pain I was feeling just floated away I felt like I was on top of the fucking world right now

I walked on the floor and started to dance with everyone it was was dizzy but I kept going

I seen x coming down the stairs with the girl she walked off with a smile on her face so did he ski was right behind him but he had no smile

I'm not mad.I'm not mad.I'm not mad

I saw x look my way but I didn't pay no attention he came over to me but I didn't look his way he touched me and I turned around

"Thought u wasn't going to make it where your friend"he asked me he tried to give me a hug but I hesitated and gave him one I can't be mad he's not mines

"Yea she's with a friend she just made"I told him and I walked back to the kitchen the girl was there that he just fucked

"Hi you look so pretty"she told me I shot her a smile

"Thank you, u don't look bad either"I told her

"LETS TAKE A SHOT"I said and poured them for all of us And we downed it I seen x and the girl talking I scoffed

"So you two know each other"I asked them and x came over by me

"Uh no not really, we just met when she got to the party she's a friend of ski"x said and I knew he was lying ski looked guilty

"Yea knew her for a while"ski told me I could see the guilt in his face as he lied but he knew that I knew she wasn't a friend of his

"Oh okay nice to meet you in Naomi"I told her and she smiled

"Likewise im tay"she told me
Few shots later

I felt like everything was spinning everywhere I was burning up right now and I felt horny but I didn't want to fuck nobody

I grabbed the henny and drinked it from the bottle

"I think you had enough"x said and he tried to take the bottle but I pushed him

"I-I know my limit but question *hiccup* haVe YOu hAd enOugh"I said slurring my words He looked at me confused and ray came up behind him and I seen the way she was looking at him like she was wanted more of him

I walked off downing my drink
{jahseh pov}
She walked off but I didn't know what the fuck she was talking about she was so drunk I don't want anyone to do anything to her more like I don't want her to do something she would soon regret

Tay wrapped her arms around me and kissed my neck I pushed her off

"Not now"I told her and she scoffed and rolled her eyes

I went to look for Naomi and I didn't see her I went over to destiny

"Hey where did Mimi go she's really drunk"I told her

"Yea I know I was just looking for her it's about time for us to go"she said and she helped me look for her

I walked in the room and saw her passed out on the floor I picked her up and carried her out I told destiny I would take her home ski road with me I put her in the car we both drove off

We pulled up to her house and I carried her out

"You need help"ski asked

"Nah"I told him and walked up to the door with her in my arms she looked so peaceful

I knocked and her dad answered

"Hey I'm she got a little to lit"I laughed a bit and he chuckled and moved out the way letting me come in

"Her room upstairs second door to the right"he told me and I went up the stairs and went in her room and laid her in bed I took her shoes off and tucked her in

I kissed her head and seen a picture of her and a women this must be her mom she looks just like her I looked back at her and walked out

As I was going downstairs towards the door her dad stopped me

"Thank you for getting her home safe, I appreciate it your good kid"he told me

"No problem anytime"I told him and we said our goodbyes and I got in my car

"Dawg u fucked up big time"ski said and I was confused

"Huh what you mean"I asked as I headed home

"She saw you at the party"he said and I was still confused

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