Chapter 21:moving day

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{jahseh pov}
3 days later

I was at the new house I had movers move everything in I was unpacking naomi was on her way over and with my mom I can't wait to see her

Even if we barley been talking I can tell she's mad at me though

I heard the front door open and adien ran to the dogs in the living room and then me I was still very sick

"Hey brother"he said and I hugged him

"Hey buddy you know my room all set up you can play the game if you want"I told him and he ran off to my room and with the dogs

"Hey baby"I heard my mom I got up and turned around and her and Naomi was right there I smiled and gave her a hug and kiss

"Hey mama"i said and I went to naomi and hugged her she looked at me pissed but she hugged me so tight like this was her last time

I could tell how much she missed me just like I missed her

"I'm sorry"I said in her ear and kissed her lips she kissed back and went over to finish unpacking the boxes

"She's still mad"my mom told me

"She told me everything on the way here, you can't just go off and don't talk to matter how busy you is check on her she been worrying a lot"she told me and I looked at her

Before I could say anything I got a phone call I answered it can was a custo

We talked then I hung and he wanted an ounce of weed and a gram of coke

"I'll be right back you guys I gotta go make a run real quick"I told my mom kissing her cheek and walked over to naomi she look mad as hell

"I swear I'm coming right back"I told her

"Your leaving right now and we just got here can I at least come with you "she said and I felt bad

"You can't, I'm sorry promise me you'll be here when I get back"I asked her she looked like she wanted to cry

"Yea whatever just go"she said and I tried to kiss her but she moved out the way

"Make sure to take the medicine before you leave"she told me and I did as told I hated telling her no but just Incas shii go left I don't want nothing happening to her because of me
I grabbed my keys and headed out


I knocked on Mel door and he answer

"Wassup"I said and we sapped each other

"Sup withcu"he said and I walked in and sat down

"Damn Nigga you look sick as hell"he said passing me the money I put it up and pulled out the weed and coke and weighed it

"Yea I am tired as hell"I said bagging it up and giving it to him then I got up and walked to the door

"Alrt nigga be safe out here get ya ass home get some rest"he said and I chuckled

"I will thanks"I said walking out the door and got in the car and drove off I was waiting on the light to turn green in rushing to get back home to her

It turned green and a car crashed into me from the side I felt the car rolls over glass went in my skin my air bag hit my face then the car stopped rolling I felt my knees being stuck everything hurted I was dizzy

"Oh my god call 911"I heard some say

"Get him out the car"I heard people coming my way my car door opened

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