breathin' ✌

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Ariana Grande, ultimate pop superstar, was making her way across town in her depressingly huge limousine. It was only sad because she didn't have anyone to sit next to. Her face pressed against the glass, she watched the people on the street walk by and stare at the shiny vehicle. 

You see, Ariana has so much love and so much patience. But, she's looking for the perfect match. Her previous ex-lovers have never REALLY been the right one. Life had been terribly hard recently with the pandemic and her music performances being hindered. Ariana was strong willed, though. She found ways to work and cope with the global issues. The only thing she hadn't been able to solve was her love life. 

As the limo buzzed through the busy downtown streets, she spotted something peculiar. 

"STOP THE CAR! PLEASE-" Ariana shouted at the chauffeur. They abruptly stopped, and Ariana hopped out of the car. Her heels clicked on the pavement as she darted towards her target. 

She was eyeing down a tall man who was violently pushing a shopping cart with a child in it out of a Walmart. When he finally met her eye, he stopped for a moment. Ariana powerwalked over to him before anyone recognized her so she wouldn't be attacked by the paparazzi. 

Her limousine driver honked the horn for her to come back, but she ignored it. She absolutely HAD to meet this guy. He was like nobody she had ever seen before. The guy she had flagged down was looking at her curiously; giving a slight wave of his hand.

She caught up with him at last, but didn't actually know what she wanted to say. It was just a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet someone like this, and she couldn't pass it up. Ariana just had a feeling about this guy. 

"H-hi- I'm Ariana Grande- do you wanna um- get a coffee with me? I just noticed you as my limo was like- driving by." she asked desperately. He eyed her up and down like she was fucking weird for running up to someone and just asking that. It should also be mentioned that he was a large, yellow mascot costume of a rabbit. Ariana thought he was just adorable. He didn't say anything for a while (or ever). Within a few minutes, they were strolling side by side down the sidewalk; chit chatting and making "introductions". The guy didn't really speak, but he was still interesting in conversation. Ariana was glad she wore one of her nicer outfits that day. She was slaying. 

The bunny guy seemed kind of interested in what she was saying, but he also implied that he was on his way home with the hand gestures he was doing. The limousine Ariana had been traveling in was slowly stalking them from behind for the past 37 and a half minutes. The two had a really great conversation, and exchanged numbers by the end when the rabbit had to get home to drop off the shopping cart with the kid and (probably) stolen goods. They were going to the cafe together later that evening. Score.

one tear left to cry - ariana grande x spring bonnieWhere stories live. Discover now