hetalia x depressed reader Becoming a...Part 1

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You just stared at the man. That man was who you used to love, until he cheated on you. He had the nerve to come and try to win you back with flowers and chocolates, but you just stood there, starring and growling. You had enough and flipped him off, slammed the door in his face, locked it and stormed upstairs. Once you entered your bedroom, pain and heartbreak came back for a second punch. You immediately started crying. How dare he just go out and cheat on you with some girl he barely knew at a bar?!

You continued to cry for weeks, sometimes having to stop because you ran out and you lost your voice. One day, there was a big knock at the door, making you jump. You slowly got up, since you've been there for a week, and slowly made your way down the stairs and to your front door. You opened it to see your friends, the axis and allies. They we're countries in human form. You we're just a simple human.

"Ve~! Bella, what's-a wrong?" Italy asked as he gave you a big hug

"(ex-bf name) came back a couple weeks ago…said he wanted me back…but he got denied…and now I've been crying fro weeks…." you sobbed into his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his waist

Germany and England sighed, they new how serious and angry you were when you found out (ex bf name) cheated on you with (some random girl name). After you cried a little into Italy's shoulder, you broke away and wiped your tears. 

"You guys can come in, if you want" you croaked out and went towards the living room

"Thanks (name)" America said unusually soft and entered 

The rest of the gang entered, having Germany close and lock the door. Once everyone was seated, you rested your head on Russia's shoulder, allowing him to wrap his arm around your waist and hand you a small sunflower with his other hand. You gave a small smile and took it, thanking him in Russian.

After the countries stayed for about 2 hours, discussing how they will be there for you and all that, they left in their cars. You went up stairs and took a shower and got ready for bed. You did't feel like eating or sleeping, nor reading or watching TV. It finally accrued to you that you are depressed.

'great' you sighed and plopped onto the couch

After awhile you got up and went towards your bathroom. Your mind clicked off so you didn't know what you were doing. Once you reached your bathroom, you got the knife that you hid in there just in case of an imegentcies. Taking your wrist you gave a nice clean slice.

hetalia x depressed reader Becoming a...Part 1Where stories live. Discover now