Part 3

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Germany and America rushed you to the hospital, America driving, Germany keeping pressure on both of your wounds. When there, America ran inside the hospital, then back out with a bunch of nurses and doctors with a rolling bed. 

America opened the door and one of there nurses and doctors grabbed onto you and put you on the bed. Then they all rushed you in, one doctors on the bed with you, feeling for a pulse. One nurse led Germany and America inside, giving them a set of clothes so they wouldn't be in their clothes with your blood on them. 

Hours have past and everyone was there. The nordics, allies, axis, and the neutrals. Finland was asleep in Sweden's lap, Norway had Denmark's head on his shoulder, asleep, and the others were just waiting, worried. Then the doctor came in to the waiting room.

" (last name) (first name)?" he asked

Everyone stood, worried.

"She's alright for now, but we need a certain blood type, she has one of there rarest" he replied

"Ve~ What-a is it?" Italy asked

" AB- " he replied

Everyone then looked towards England and Japan. Both countries nodded.

"We will give blood, sir" England replied

"Hai, we wirr"  Japan also replied

"Thank you, please follow me" the doctor said and left, England and Japan in tow

The rest of the countries sat down. America,Germany, and Russia were talking, planning on something thats has never been done, just in case you died. America went to Norway as Germany went to Romania. Sharing their plan. Norway and Romania agreed to help and stood. both looked at each other and they walked out, going to their cars and driving off towards their homes to grab what they needed. 

An hour later, England and Japan came back, ties around their left arms and sat down in their seats. Then America told England their plan, seeing England was happy and ready to help. Romania and Norway came back with a bag on their shoulders. England looked towards them and went to them. All three went to the corner of the room and started to discuss. Later the Dr. came back and everyone again stood. The Dr. looked back at his note and papers.

"Well the good news is the blood was useful, bad news she's in a coma, I'll allow 4 people to vist her at a time" The Dr. said

The countries thanked him and the doctor left. America and Germany looked at Romania,Norway, and England. The three nodded, saying that they were ready just in case. 

"Who wants to visit her first?" America asked

"I'll go" England replied and put a small bag around his shoulder.

"Same here" Canada replied

"Me too,aru"China replied

"Zame" Germany replied

The rest nodded and sat back down. The four went to your room, and closed the door. Then Germany shared the plan with China and Canada. They were going to make sure you were going to live, either you die or live, you'll live forever, with just some help from….Magic.

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