Part 2

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You woke up the next morning on the floor of your bathroom, a small puddle of blood around your hand. You jolted up and saw that you had a cut on your wrist. Then the events of last night came flooding in. You sighed and stood, going to the sink to wash off your wrist and hand. You then grabbed a rag and wetted it, washing off the floor where the blood was. 

Dropping off the rag in the laundry room, you searched your closet for the first aid kit. After finding it, you grabbed a bandaid and covered the cut on your wrist. You went to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of bread and slowly ate it. You sighed and thought about last night. How you felt after you cut your wrist, the pain from your heart went to your wrist, making you feel happy and a bit woozy. You thought more about it and more and more and more. Then you decided that you should do it more, seeing as that you didn't know what else to do. 

You looked towards the knives in the knife block, watching them tempt you to come use them on your self. What broke you from your thoughts was the door bell. You sighed and walked towards the door, looking through the peep hole, seeing the slut that stole your boyfriend. Angered you opened the door. 

"What do you want" you growled

"Oh I'm just here to get some things (ex bf name) left, no biggie" she replied, giving a small smirk

"Stay here, I'll get them" you replied, glaring at the woman then walking off

What you didn't know is that she pulled out a small gun from the back of her pants, loading and readying it. You walked back to the door, a small bag in your hand. You looked through it making sure everything was there, when you felt something cold press against your right shoulder. Looking slowly at it, you saw it was a gun, connected to the sluts hand. You looked at her face, seeing it filled with a smirk and no worries.You dropped the bag and held your hands in front of you. 

"Silly (name) you thought that was all i needed from you? Ha! Im getting and giving revenge for (ex bf name). He cried for weeks after you rejected taking him back, so I'm going to end his misery for him" she smirked and put her finger on the trigger

You gulped and closed your eyes, knowing she would pull the trigger. Then you felt the pain shoot through your shoulder, causing you to open your eyes, gasp and fall to your knees, clutching the wound. You looked up at her, seeing her crouch down to your level, pointing the gun towards your stomach.

"Bye Bye (name)" she smirked and pulled the trigger again, firing at your stomach

You fell over, clutching your stomach, your face having wide eyes and a mouth open. You saw her take the bag and close the door, leaving you to die in your own house. You started watching your life flash. Your birth, your 1st birthday, graduating from kindergarden, your first boyfriend, your great grandfather's funeral, graduating from high school, going to your dream college, meeting (ex bf name) and the axis and allies, the break up, last couple weeks, last night, and a few minutes earlier. After it finished, your eyes started to droop, when the door busted open, seeing Germany and America trying to keep you awake. You gave your last breath and fell into darkness, in Germany's lap.

hetalia x depressed reader Becoming a...Part 1Where stories live. Discover now