The three you've probably heard of

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Little A/N: All of these pronouns are regardless of birth gender. Its what you choose to assign yourself as now.

(also this chapter isnt rlly needed but these are just ones that i decided to put in anyway to sue me bitch)

And feel free to correct me on anything:)


He/him/his pronouns are masculine pronouns. They are used for people who assign themselves fully as male. Being used in a sentence:

"I am friends with him."
"He doesn't like a lot of attention."
"Thats his phone."


She/her/hers pronouns are feminine. These pronouns are used for people that are fully female. Used in a sentence:

"She is a kind person."
"I have a crush on her."
"Is that hers?"


Now were getting into the gayer stuff. >:) They/them/theirs pronouns are used for people that dont Assign themselves with male or female. They pronouns are the most typically used for people that define themselves as non-binary, though there are other enby (non-binary)pronouns and other gender neutral options than they/them. 
Using they in a sentence:

"They are hot."
"I dont know what to gift them." (bc enby ppl are amazing and give them gifts>:])
"I have their ring." 

THeese are the three basic pronouns that most people know and accept. Correct me if im wrong, or tell me if i missed anything. Also please vote. I am writing this all out and it sounds fanc. if thats not reason enough, im so sexy that you should vote ;P

234 words <3

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