Chapter Two: Diapered Life

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The next morning Espeon felt the urge to go, so she went to the bathroom, except she now remembered that there wasn't a toilet anymore. Espeon sighed and eventually just decided to let go. She messed, filling her diaper, even more, pushing it even further to the front.

Sylveon walked out of her room, saying "Good morning," as she walked past Espeon, chuckling to herself. Espeon then let go of her bladder, filling her diaper with warmth. Sylveon went into Eevee's room and woke him up. Eevee greeted her and climbed out of bed.

Espeon met Sylveon and Eevee downstairs and asked for a change. Sylveon replies, "Espeon, I told you yesterday that if you needed to be changed, get a diaper out of your closet and come see me and I would change you. Espeon reminded her that she didn't agree to the diapers in the first place. Sylveon grinned and said, "Don't forget that we got rid of the toilet so you have to wear diapers now. Eevee, can you wake up Umbreon please?"

Eevee eagerly went upstairs, waddling to Umbreon's room, pausing at the door to mess and wet his diaper for a second. Like Espeon, Eevee's mess pushed even further to the front of the diaper. Eevee opened the door to Umbreon's room and woke him up. Eevee shook Umbreon gently, waking him up.

Umbreon wakes up and rolls out of bed and asks Eevee why he still has a pacifier on but is reminded of his pacifier and takes it out. "It feels soothing to have this on," replies Eevee after he takes his out as well.

After Espeon returns with a diaper, she asks Sylveon for a change, blushing as she asks. "Of course," she says, patting her padded bottom, "You definitely filled it up!" This made Espeon blush even harder. Sylveon helps Espeon to the changing table and Espeon gets on. Sylveon carefully uses scissors to cut off the sides and teases Espeon about what a mess she made. "Stop that, and change me already," Espeon hisses as Sylveon. Sylveon chuckles and puts way too much powder on the diaper area. She then pulls the tabs on the purple diaper on the physic type. Just as she did before, she put some duct tape on her diaper in case she decided to take them off. Sylveon pats Espeon's diaper and is yet again rewarded with another puff of powder.

Sylveon walks out and feels that she needs to use the diaper. She decides to wait until Eevee or Umbreon needs a change, to poke a little fun. She smiles to herself about this.

Umbreon is feeling the pressure build-up in his bowels and bladder, and messes and wets it cautiously, to make sure that it won't leak, but the diaper absorbs and holds his mess.

Sylveon walks downstairs and finds Eevee watching TV. Espeon wasn't where Sylveon could see her, so Sylveon gave it a shrug and started on breakfast. She decided to make pancakes for breakfast. She saw Umbreon go upstairs, assumingly to play a video game. Sylveon chuckled at herself a little bit. While she went to the store yesterday, she decided to buy some MiraLax for a little fun. She went ahead and measured out the laxative and put about half of it into the pancake mix.

Espeon worked in the garden and she decided to make another attempt at removing the diaper. She pawed at it and tried using Physics, but it didn't work. She eventually gave up and went back inside.

Espeon saw the pancakes and eyed Sylveon. "What are we doing today," asked Espeon, a little suspicious. "We are going to walk to the park," Sylveon replied. "In these diapers?" Espeon growled. Sylveon eyes her cautiously and nods. Sylveon puts the pancakes on plates and sets them on the table. She returns to the kitchen and rings the bell. Eevee and Umbreon waddle quickly to the table, meeting Espeon, who was already there.

Sylveon pulls out some milk and gives the bottles to Eevee, Umbreon, and herself. She looks at Eevee and Umbreon, who begins drinking their milk and then starts on pancakes, and smiles slightly as Espeon begins eating. Espeon catches this and questions her about what she was smiling about. Sylveon replies, "I am just delighted to see everyone is enjoying their breakfast," and Sylveon drinks her milk and eats her pancakes to avoid suspicion. Sylveon knew that even her pancakes had laxatives in them, she began to wet and mess her diaper and she ate, knowing she would mess again later by the time they got to the park.

Everyone finishes, and Sylveon takes the plates and bottles. After she cleans up from making breakfast, Sylveon announces that they are going to the park. Everyone got excited, except for Espeon, who already knew about going. "If you need to get changed, come see me," says Sylveon.

Umbreon is the first to meet Sylveon at the changing table. She changes his diaper, putting too much powder again. She also places some duct tape over the tabs, like with Espeon. She pats his padded bottom, rewarding her with another puff. Sylveon and Umbreon look at each other and grin. Umbreon walks out and Eevee walks in. Sylveon changes Eevee and then whispers to Eevee "Guess what?" Eevee looks at Sylveon with curiosity. "I put laxatives in the pancakes this morning, can you keep it a secret for me please?" Eevee nods excitedly. Sylveon makes sure Eevee is out of the room before she changes herself. Sylveon giggles a little because she knows what would happen either on the way or at the park.

Sylveon excitedly says, "Are we ready?" Umbreon replies, "One question, won't other Pokemon see us at the park?" Sylveon says, "Of course, silly, there would be others at the park." Umbreon quickly says, "I mean, they would see us in our diapers, right?"

Sylveon replies, "If you want, we could go to a park where the Pokemon who wear diapers go." Umbreon nods. "Alright, let's go!" Sylveon announces.

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