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I was so happy everything was back to normal in the house. Janet and Kalia were back on good terms and talking to each other which was very good.

Walking into the house it was awfully quiet which surprised me since the kids should have been back from school now but they weren't. Throwing my car keys on the table I walked up the stairs to our bedroom just as I entered I heard our bathroom door open as well. "Ohh hey baby, when did you get back?" She was wearing her robe. "Hey baby I just got back in." Walking over to the bed I plopped down on it watching her walk over to the dresser and pull out her underwear, throwing the robe on the bed she put on her bra first then her panties.

"Cheeks you going somewhere?" She shook her head no climbing up on the bed and straddling me. "I just wanna spend time with you babe, I asked Rebbie to keep the kids for the weekend and she agreed hence the house is so quiet." The smile on my face was so bright. I pulled her down to me giving her a kiss. "I miss us spending time together just the two of us locked up in here." Pulling her down by her cheek I kissed her lips and she bit on my bottom lip. This was about to be a very good weekend with my baby.

Sitting up she unclapped her bra throwing it on the floor I cupped her breast playing with her nipples, her soft sultry moans filled the house.

Four rounds of mind blowing sex we were now cuddled up in the bed trying to catch our breath. "Damn Mauldin you'tryna kill me?" She asked sitting up. "Nah Cheeks, just tryna give you baby number 5 that's all" she threw her pillow at me getting up from the bed amd heading into the shower. I followed her inside taking a shower with her. "You better forget about having another baby cause it ain't happening baby. This shop closed for business." She laughed turning the shower off and stepping out. "See that's what you said and we still had Asia. I laughed watching her look for something else to throw at me.

We spent the rest of the day just cuddled up watching movies until there was a knock at the door going to open it my face just scrunched up seeing Wissam.


My day was really going so good until Wissam had to just show up and just seeing his face always made me so angry. Jermaine allowed him into the the house and he came in along with his sister. "Hello Janet, lovely to see you" He greeted and I just fake smiled. "Yeah whatever what do you want?"

"I see you still don't like seeing me, but that's okay. I wanted us to talk about Eissa coming to stay with me during the school holidays." I don't know how many times I had to tell this man that Eissa would never agree to spend holidays with him. "You know he will never agree to that cause he always spends his holidays with his siblings and cousins."

"I have all my family coming Janet please and I would like it if he would be there." Oh so now I just see what this was. He just wanted to show him off to his family as if he raised him. "I'll ask him even though I knwo he'll say no, if that is all please leave my house." Theh stood up walking to the door his sister turned to look at me. "Please it would really mean alot to us if he came, he can even come with his brother or sister." Jermaine just shook his head watching them walk out and we went back to cuddling on the couch.

"Think we should send him over there with Jr's crazy ass." He suggested making us both burst out in laughter. "They'd bring him back the moment he walks into that house with that potty mouth of his." We laughed again. "Yeah and he got that mouth from you baby...you be cursing so much." I turned around so fast almost breaking my neck. "Me? Oh no stop lying you know it's all you Mauldin."

"Nah Cheeks it's all you. But we'll have that discussion another day right now I feel like having some strawberry." I shook my head no laying back down. "See you said that poece bout getting me pregnant again so no more strawberry for you sir." His face was so flushed as he looked at me and I couldn't help but burst out in laughter.

The rest of the weekend was so good we really just spent it locked up in the house and making love almost all through the house. Today was monday and the kids were back and they noise just filled through. Groaning I got up from the bed going to check on them downstairs. "Why the fuck ya'll making noise so damn early?" I asked them walking into the kitchen. Eissa was standing by the counter top while Jr stood next to the fridge. "Ma it's Eissa with his ugly looking self making all the noise." He pointed at him. "Quit lying man and you the ugly one in here." This was too much for me and it was way too early.

"Quit making noise you two it's way to early. And oh Eissa your dad wants you to spend school holidays with him and his family."

"I hope you told him no ma?" Shaking my head no he sighed. "Well call him and tell him I don't want to. Besides I already have plans with my real fam." I just knew that he wouldn't want to go there and now I just hopef Wissam would understand that and not try to force him. "He said you could come with Jr or Kalia if you wanted to." Still shaking his head no. "Okay then I'll tell him you don't want.

Getting ready for the day I got dressed to head out to the studio to meet up with Jimmy and Terry to work on my new album, they were ao excited and happy when I called them. "Asia please behave for Kalia okay I don't want to come back and hear how you were trouble some." Kalia offered to babysit her sister for me today and I knew it was her way of still trying to get into my good books again after her whole ordeal with smoking. "Yes mama I promise I will." Kissing my babies goodbye I was out the door and headed to the studio.

Arriving inside the guys were already waiting for me. "Ohh hey Janet it's so good to see you." They greeted hugging me and we sat down. "It's so good to see you guys too, I'm really happy to be back in this place." They nodded agreeing with me. "So a whole new album and you wanna go back on tour."

"Yep. I think it's time I got back to doing what I love and I know my fans miss me and I honestly miss them too."

"That's for sure they be tweeting and stuff about how much they miss you. So this new era is gonna be called what? And what's changed about Janet in this era?" We sat down talking about everything that I been through since having my last baby and to me being married for so long and everything else that I wanted to bring in this new era. My fans were definitely gonna love this. As we were busy brainstorming my phone beeped with a text opening it up my jaw dropped as I saw the headlines. Just when I thought things were good in my life this had to just ruin it all.

Hey you guys. So I know I've been MIA for a verrrry long time and I am so sorry. Alot been happening and going on. But I am slowly making a come back to writing. I know many of you missed this book and I hope I can be able to update chapters every weekend. Please let me know in the comments what you thought of the chapter. Also don't forget to vote. 😘❤️

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