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Rushing out of the bedroom we went to check why Kalia was screaming so loudly. Coming up to her room she was standing on top of her bed clutching a pillow to her chest and looking as if she had just seen a ghost. "What's wrong bugabboo?" I asked her walking closer to her bed and Jan looked around her room. "There is a spider in here dad" This girl could not be serious right now. Jan walked right out shaking her head annoyed.

"You were screaming like that just because of a little spider?" She frantically nodded her head yes. "It's not little dad,please just kill it." I looked around for it and found the little thing just under her dresser killing it. "There I got rid of it you can sleep now" She got of the bed hugging me and I left out closing the door. Going back into the bedroom Jan was already sleeping and I knew she wouldn't want to wake up so I'll just wait for her to finish telling me what she wanted to say in the morning.

Getting back in bed I fell asleep and only waking up later. The house was very quiet meaning the kids were not here.

"Baby?" I called out as I went down the stairs to the kitchen but got no response. "Jan...baby you here?" Still no response meaning she too was not home. I went up getting ready myself and headed out to studio. Getting in Nelly was in there playing around with some beats. "Hey man sup?" We dapped each other up. "Eyy man I'm all good,how you doing?" Shrugging my shoulders I took a seat next to him checking my phone for a call or text from Janet but there was nothing. "Wassup JD? You know you can talk to me man" He was right he was probably the only person I trusted most with my secrets.

"Man I think Janet be cheating on me."

"What?! Nah man why would you say some shit like that?" He gave me his full attention seitching off the sound that was playing in the background. "Firstly she been really sectetive,also her Ex James been calling her non-stop and she been lying to me about it." He laughed bug seeing my serious face he quickly sat up straight. "Nah I find it hard to believe that Janet would do that to you man,that woman loves you with her whole heart and soul." He was right she loves me but still my suspicions were making so much sense.

"I swear to you man she doing something with that bastard and she hiding ut from me. It's been two months now of her weird behaviour."

"All I'm gonna say man is just sit her down and talk to her find out why she's been so secretive." That was my plan for tonight I texted Joey to drop of the kids at my mothers place today me and Janet had a long night coming. 


"Okay Jimmy I think we just need to work a little but more on that hook, but the song is coming alon-..." I was interrupted yet again as my phone went off with another text from James. This was just too much now and I had to put a stop to it. I texted him to meet up so I could tell him to stop harrassing me.

"Guys I gotta head out it's an emergency." I didn't even give them a chance to say anything as I grabbed my bag and keys and rushed out of the studio. Starting up the car my phone rang again but this time it was Jermaine I let it ring I wanted to deal with the whole James mess first. As I got to the restuarant I saw him standing out by his car smoking a cigarrette. I parked next to his car and he rushed to open my door getting out I glared at him.  "You didn't have to do that. Listen I don't have time I just came here to tell you to stay away from me, I don't know how you got my new number but please James leave me alone."

He threw the ciggarrette bud on the floor stepping closer to me. "I'm sorry but I can't leave you alone Janet I love you" He could not be serious right now. Moving away from him,he moved closer again holding my hands. "Please Jan-_...NO JAMES LEAVE ME ALONE! I don't love you I love Jerm..." seeing a flashing light I quickly jumped back as a paparrazi guy was taking pictures of us. I got into my car driving off. "Ohh no no...this can't be happening" I parked on the side of the road taking deep breathes in and out. The ringing of my phone scared me,scrambling to get it I answered Gil's call.

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