The Beginning Of His Life

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He was only 5. When he remembered where he first was, when his eyes opened for him and where he saw it. He was home, looking at the couch and the TV with the kitchen on his right side and the room to his left. He remembers his mother buying his a gaming set up as a 5 year old, when he played games on there, no problems, no worries. Just a regular childish thing. He remembered walking to school, holding his mother hands. Getting used to it everyday till he started going outside. He met these kids since kindergarten who he has known for years and considers them his real best friends. They stay with him till 5th grade around the time when things start to go uphill. His behavior changed faster, his tone, his anger got worse. It wasn't able to be helped with till he put hands on his mother for the first time, then the mental breakdown came. He suddenly said in his mind, "No, why is this happening to me? What did I do? Why did I hit my mother? Am I considered bad?" And each time he got hard headed, not knowing what to do. He then went to Florida for 5th grade, and it is where it all became worse.

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