Post 3

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A/N Watch the video above first so you could understand this chapter^^

A/N Watch the video above first so you could understand this chapter^^

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S.Haruno: Hinata💜

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QueenIno: Why am I not invited?!!

Ten10: Me too?!

WindTema: Me three?!

S.Haruno: @QueenIno @Ten10 @WindTema WE DID! All of you told us you have a date!

LavanderHinata: We told you to hang out to the mall but you told Sakura Chan and I you have a date with your boyfriends

Ten10: @Neji.H It's your fault...

QueenIno: @Artsai IT'S YOUR FAULT!

WindTema: @Narashika It's your fault lazy ass!

Neji.H: @Ten10 How come?

Narashika: @WindTema ?

Artsai: @QueenIno Sorry...?

ramenNaruto: @LavanderHinata you look hot babe!

LavanderHinata: Thank you @ramenNaruto💜

S.Uchiha: @S.Haruno Hn.

S.Haruno: @S.Uchiha WHAT? WHY?!

ramenNaruto: @S.Uchiha Yeah, why?! It's beautiful!

QueenIno: What are you guys talking about?!

Ten10: Yeah, what??

WindTema: What did Sasuke said??

LavanderHinata: I don't understand...

S.Haruno: @S.Uchiha Said to delete it!

Narashika: 2 letters.

Neji.H: One syllables.

Artsai: How come it means that?

S.Haruno: @Neji.H @Narashika @Artsai Guys, that's not the point here😑

shisuiuchiha: My little cousin here doesn't like other to see his little girlfriend dancing like that☺

QueenIno: @shisuiuchiha Girlfriend?!

Ten10: Girlfriend?!

WindTema: Girlfriend?!

ramenNaruto: Girlfriend?!

S.Haruno: Girlfriend?! @shisuiuchiha Shisui-san I. Am. Not. Sasuke's. Girlfriend.

Ravenuchiha: @S.Haruno Oh really?~

S.Uchiha: Hn.

WindTema: @ramenNaruto what did Sasuke said?!

QueenIno: @ramenNaruto TRANSLATE!

ramenNaruto: Sheesh calm down! He said Sakura Chan isn't his girlfriend.

Neji.H: I still don't get how you can translate 'Hn' even in text or in person

Narashika: Troublesome. But true.

Artsai: True.

ramenNaruto: 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Credits for @baby_san1 for the tiktok video♡♡

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