Post 4

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A/N: Pretend that its not Sarada. Just pretend that Sasuke is holding his cousin's daughter (Shisui)^^

 Just pretend that Sasuke is holding his cousin's daughter (Shisui)^^

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S.Haruno: Rare picture of Sasuke holding a cute child😗

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S.Haruno: @S.Uchiha you're making me unexpectedly famous. I'm so touched!🤧😢

QueenIno@S.Haruno You had a child?!

ramenNaruto: @S.Haruno I never saw you pregnant though?

Mikoto.U: @ramenNaruto @QueenIno The baby girl is Sasuke's niece^^ She's Shisui's daughter^^

S.Haruno: @QueenIno @ramenNaruto 😑😤😡 and thank you @Mikoto.U♡♡

QueenIno: ...

ramenNaruto: Oh...

Mikoto.U: Dint worry @S.Haruno^^ Although I also want a grandchild from you😉😉

QueenIno: AHAHAH @Mikoto.U You are the best!

S.Haruno: @QueenIno 😑😑

LavanderHinata: @S.Uchiha looks like a father tho^^

Ten10: He sure is!

WindTema: I also thought he is.

Artsai: It suits him🙂

shisuiuchiha: My baby! Oh and thanks for looking after her @S.Uchiha @S.Haruno❤❤

S.Uchiha: @shisuiuchiha Hn. You should hurry she kept on crying.

S.Haruno: @shisuiuchiha Yeah, she is. She keeps looking for you.

shisuiuchiha: @S.Uchiha @S.Haruno You can handle it^^ We're still on a meeting and besides use her as a practice for future purpose😉😉

QueenIno: @shisuiuchiha I salute you sir!

S.Uchiha: @shisuiuchiha Hn. Expect to sleep outside😏. And don't worry I'll take care of her. She doesn't need her father anyway.

ramenNaruto: HAHAHA I need popcorn!

Ten10: Me too! AHAHAHA

shisuiuchiha: @S.Uchiha I was joking!
@Ravenuchiha help me😢

Ravenuchiha: Hn. Sasuke is right. We can take care of her^^

S.Haruno: 🤣🤣🤣


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