Wednesday 23rd February - the mistake

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Today, I'm gonna look back at what happened more than a week ago on Valentines day. I couldn't believe all this drama started because of an Instagram post. Let me explain everything from the night before the 14th.

On Sunday 13th February, Lev (my boyfriend) and my friends: Ellianna, Emily, Jantzen and Gavin decided to trick the internet. We decided to make a post and say Ellianna was dating Gavin and Emily was dating Jentzen.

Everyone was totally ok with it. We also agreed to keep it going for one full day.


When we posted it we got both negative and positive comments. But I'd say 80% were positive. Lots of our fans were mad about Emily and Jentzen "dating".

Another thing that really hurt me was some of the fans were saying I forced everyone.

Emily called me sobbing because of all the negative comments.


People said really mean things and tbh I couldn't believe they could say stuff like that.

And this was only the start of it.

Elliana got even MORE hate because Gavins my ex Amanda people said she wasn't respecting girl code and she's a fake friend.

Elliana has been with me for soo long and it really hurt me too.

By lunchtime it was rhe most viewed post of the day. I couldn't believe rhay a simple prank turned into a hate page.

We didn't know what to do. If we told the whole world it was a prank, it would make yhe situation worse.

Gavin, Lev, Elliana, Jentzen, Emily and I lost about 100k followers each and I lost almost 1 mil subscribers.

We went out for dinner and spoke many kids gave us dirty looks.

When I got home, my house had been egged. I couldn't take this anymore.

The next day I made an apology post on all my social media to tell everyone the truth.

I couldn't believe what happened next...

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