Wednesday 2nd March - changes

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I got even MORE hate that day. I couldn't believe it! After apologizing people just didn't seem to forgive me. I cried myself to sleep that night. Now I knew how everyone felt. People weren't that mad at me at first, but now, I understand how the others felt.

That morning I got a group call from all my friends. They told me something I didn't want to hear:

"Piper, we're really sorry but we can't do this anymore" said ellianna

I knew she was about to say something that would hurt me. Tears started flowing from her eyes.

"What's wrong guys?" I asked eagerly

"Piper, just know that we'll always love you but, we can't stand all this hate. Ever since you started involvingus in pranks, we've lost a massive following. We can't continue like this! We're leaving the squad!" explained Gavin

"Wha-" I started cimfused but Lev cut me.

"And, we need to break up. It's the best thing for us right now." he explained

I just left the call.

I suddenly realised how they were risking their lives for everything I wanted. It wasn't easy either when my mom was invoved in some of these things.

I cried even more than I did last night. I eventually got a headache and couldn't get up that morning. Just then I heard a knock on my door.

I went downstairs and to my surprise it was a big box.

"I haven't ordered anything". I thought.

I brought it inside and couldn't believe it. It was a whole package. With a plane ticket to Paris, some clothes, money, food ect..

I found a note too.

It said:

"HI Piper, I'm a HUGE fan and I wanna help you. I've heard about the prank and fan pages have already started talking about your squad splitting up."

I stopped reading then and checked Levs ig. They had all reposted a post from Jentzen explaining that they were planning on leaving the squad last night.

I guess I was too busy crying...

I continued reading:

"A few months ago I also had a problem. I decided to run away from home and go to Paris. I got a job and lived alone. I found love, friends and freedom there. When I came back, no one recognized me. If you want to, you can try it."

I thought about the idea for a while. It sounded silly but I didn't want to stay here. There was too much to deal with. But living in PARIS?!?!? How would I be able to survive alone? I decided to continue reading.

"So, here are extra clothes if you need, food, a plane ticket for Friday.  Make sure to get there by 9pm or else your  seat will be given away..."

That as strange to end a letter. But, I finally decided on what I wanted to do....

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