## 8

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haeun pov

the weekend passed as we had just carelessly chilled at our apartment often crying together whilst watching various kdramas til 2am, honestly it was fun however school was to start soon and being the broke student i am.. making money was hard so finding a job was natural instinct, however i was more concerned about eric who actually had a job but never attended his shifts.

"eric it's monday go to work" i said cleaning up the leftover food from last night's kdrama marathon "but i don't think i can face him anymore after that" he said shyly, i felt bad burdening him with my past. "i'll come with you today then?" i said after all eric did comfort me and help me through my many breakdowns,this is some form of paying back.

we got into his car and drove to his work, the both of us worried about what was going to unfold, eric had ignored his best friend's calls and contacts, whilst i still was in deep trauma from what happened. what could possibly go wrong.. the bell rang to indicate our entrance with it being opening time and no one around but him.

"oh eric you're here" hyunjun spoke with a monotone, clearly he had been hurt by eric's non communication. "i'm back to work hyung" eric said quietly still stuck beside me, "is it okay if this customer comes early she won't bother she's here for support i guess." he said hesitantly but hyunjun looked like he couldnt care less he just focused on cleaning the glasses.

hyunjun pov

the past few days eric had missed my calls, not read my messages but i didn't mind, last time i saw him he was with a girl maybe i interrupted their scene or whatever. he was always my friend no matter how long we didn't talk for so i assumed things were okay. the bell rang in the cafe and to my surprise i heard eric however i was too busy with setting up to look at him.

he mentioned a girl coming along early, i didn't mind this either as long as she wouldn't bother that was until of course ; "sit there haeun" i heard the familiar name, the girl. i knew her. but the last time we met ended on a bad note. my head flicked up as i took a look at the girl, she sat in the corner staring at me and eric, as if she were to kill me. "haeun?" i asked as she got up closer to me almost charging at me.
and with that i was greeted with a harsh slap on my face.

"and thats what you get for messing with me" haeun huffed out ready to hit me again, before eric stopped her. "you were here to help me not kill him" eric calmly said getting her to stand still, my face still red and stinging. "it's fine i deserved it" her eyes widened at my words, "i'm sorry i never got to apologise, that day you said you loved me, i- i was scared, i only did that to hide my feelings that if i told you how i really felt it would hurt my pride.." my words sunk into her heart, if anything i deserve to be hit to her desire, i was in the wrong with such harsh actions and i'd do anything to change that moment

"i promise i've changed for the better, after that happened i grew isolated and never spoke to anyone since, until eric came along" i said looking down at the ground. "i'm sorry haeun." i sincerely spoke. "i really truly am." i apologized again, but to be only slapped once again on the other cheek. "apology accepted but please never treat a girl like that again i'm happy that you knew what you did wrong, and thank you for being the reason why i don't trust men." she said bluntly it broke my heart knowing that her love life was probably fucked because of a stupid mistake i made years ago nevertheless it won't erase what was done. i deserve hate if anything.

her hand quickly came up to my face again but there was no hit i looked up to see her hand infront, i lift up my hand in response as she shook it "we can start again" she smiled and so did i. i admire people like her who despite all the hurt are willing to try again.

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