Chapter 6

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Kushina's voice was so small in Minato ear's. Her red eyes were glossy, ears pressed flat against her head as she bit her bottom lip. Minato has never seen her look like that and it was hurting him. But just as quickly as her eyes glossed in tears it turned into anger. Her lip curled up in anger as dark crimson mist began to form on her body, Kurama raised an eyebrow at the reaction and sigh lowly. "Kushina." The older omega snapped her eyes towards her leader who was shaking his head. "It is not worth it. Do not let your anger consume you, talk it out before you resort to violence."  Kurama spoke to her and Kushina lip curled up even more. "What the hell do you mean it's not worth it Kurama? Is my son not worth it? It's not worth knowing why I was left for no reason during my pregnancy? I want answer's Kurama, not your lecture." 

She wasn't in the mood for talking things out, she wanted to beat the answers out of Minato. She wanted an answer from the man himself. Did the child she had not matter to him? Was it all a front? A ploy to weaken her clan? Was the time they had together fake, did she mean nothing to him? 

Artemis sighs and placed a hand on Kushina's shoulder, the moment Kushina snapped her attention towards backwards Artemis shook her head. The older omega growled lowly as she calmed herself down and took a deep breath. Kurama nodded his head towards Artemis who nodded back. The eldest demon tails slowly swayed in anticipation as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. 

"Alright then, I'll let you all handle that later on. Kushina, Artemis, Lily, the Konohagakure shinobi will be staying in your home. Are you okay with that?" Kurama asked as he leaned back into his chair, Kushina scowled and rolled her eyes as her tails slashed around in irritation. "Sure, not's like we have a say in something like this." Kushina spat out and Kurama narrowed his eyes before shaking his head. "Do not start right now Kushina, I understand you are upset but please talk through this before you resort to anger." Kushina clicked her teeth and glanced away from her leader. "What ever. I'm going home." 

Kurama groaned under his breath at the attitude his old pupil has, he glanced over towards the other two sisters who nodded their heads and went after Kushina. Minato opened his mouth to say something but Lily snapped her head towards him and glared. "Do not open your mouth angel, you have no rights to say anything until you and my sister speak to one another. Be glad her child is not here right now, he wants some words with you." Lily warned and Minato closed his mouth and nodded his head. Lily eyed him before turning back around and leaving the office. Once the door closed, Kurama let a breath out and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I hope you plan on talking to them, I do not need my island in shambles tonight." Kurama grunted out and Minato nodded his head. 

Tsunade shook her head as she glanced at the door and back at Minato "You have a lot to fix sir." Minato groaned and rubbed his hands over his face "Can we not point out the obvious please. I know I messed up, I'll fix it." Kurama nodded his head at that "Good, now back onto what I was saying. The festival starts tonight and you all will be staying with Kushina and her family, I would like to trust you all in our island and around my people. I would hate having to level a nation for misunderstandings. Okay?" The whole Konohagakure group nodded their heads. They understood where the demon fox was coming from, they did not want to be enemies with the Uzumaki's. 

"Glad that we all are on the same page. Now then,  I hope you all enjoy your stay on Uzushiogakure." The Konoha shinobi all bowed in respect before taking their leave from Kurama's office. The older demon fox watched the group leave and the moment his door closed he closed his eyes and sighed. Turning around in his chair, he stared out the huge bay window that overlooked his whole village. Kurama really wished nothing bad will happen while Konoha was in his territory. He would hate having to result to violence but when it comes to his home, he wouldn't think twice about it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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