Queef the Leprechaun

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Queef the Leprechaun came from a faraway land known as Chlamydia Central (also referred to as CC). He loved to sunbathe under the luminescence of the suns rays. Nothing better than drinking cold creme pie, and dipping his hand in a nice pot of.. glossy coins. ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ) Until one day, Queef was banished from his home to a strange new land known as Earth. He was just taking his daily dump in his Irish toilet, when his door was broken down by the FSB. The police sent him down the rainbow to Central London. He was broke, he was cold, he was feeling sexy in his designer birthday suit, with a random flight attendant tie. Suddenly, he felt his Leprechaun instinct to break out into an Irish jig intensify rapidly.

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He became so consumed by the intense jig of the dance, that he didn't even notice his fedora hat had fallen off, and was soon being rapidly filled with coins from passerbyers. In no time, he had enough money to take a bus to biking ham palace. He had heard legends of the Queen from the faraway land of Britain.  She was supposedly irresistibly promiscuous. He used his hat of gold to apply for a job as a private pool boy, for Queen Elizabeth. Not long after, his application was accepted, and he made his way to the biking ham palace to await his hot Hubba bubba. ( ͡°👅 ͡°)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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