How i got my curse yuno's POV

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I was three when it happened but I remember it like yesterday. I was in the backyard with my friend when he asked "who takes care of the garden here?" I swiftly replied "me!".

He was shocked by my answer and he gave me that you-have-to-be-lying look. He glanced at the lush green flower filled garden then back at me. This whent on for a long time. He then said "You couldn't have grown this on your own!" I knew he wouldn't believe me no matter what I did so I did the responsible thing and lied.

" Ha! You realy fell for it!" I continued "of Course I didn't do this!"

thinking about how to break the silence I stuttered" u- um ...I... think t- there are some apples over there."

realizing what I said I started to have a brain overload of all my thoughts.

"you know I am alergic to apples right?"

by now steam was coming out my ears

"your weird, you know that? I'm going home."

As his footsteps faded Into the distance I saw a bright light comeing from inside one of my plants. Curiously I moved
a leaf to see where the bright light was coming from.

Then the light faded. Suddenly my heart had a burning sensation and I couldn't breath causing me to start wheezing and coughing.

When my parents came to help me they burst into flames within Seconds being cremated In the process.

With tears in my eyes the burning stoped bulling My heart and lungs. Gasping for air I through myself over the dusty remains of my parents still chocking on my tears.

There Screams and yells echoing in the halls of my mind.

"Why me? Why now? Bring them back... bring them back!"

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