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Third Pov:

Sasuke walked into the house, food on the table, clean kitchen, and nothing out of place. But Sasuke knew better, "Tadaima, Naruto." Naruto then came rushing downstairs to greet his husband.

"Okaerinasai, Sasu-kun!" He said with a big smile on his face. The blonde was then pulled into a tight hug. Sasuke inhaled and exhaled through his nose, burying it in Naruto's neck. Naruto smelled of vanilla honey like always. Sasuke snapped out his daze and Suddenly the hug became even more tight. Naruto could barley move.

"Hurry and get that man the hell out of our house." Sasuke demanded. Naruto was not surprised, this usually happened at least once every two weeks. Though he never figured out how Sasuke knew exactly which day and time to come home early.

Naruto leaned up and kissed his husbands cheek, "Hai Hai, ya got me." Naruto said walking towards the guest bathrooms closet, knowing Sasuke was watching him. Naruto opened the closet and there was a man in his underwear. "Is he here?" Naruto rolled his eyes, "Ofcourse he is, you gotta get out." Naruto said bluntly.

"So he's gonna see me?" The man questioned with a sly smile. He was one of Sasukes employees, let's say he did not like his boss yet loved his so called 'wife' who wouldn't the man was beautiful the two together would make any one jealous.

"Yea no duh idiot, better hope ya don't loose your job." Naruto said pushing the man who was still not fully dressed. The man could care less he was in his own mindset 'Finally I'm taking the blonde beauty out of this stuck up bastards hands!' He thought.

" ugh I'm not gonna push ya all the way down stairs, dattebayo!" Naruto walked away going back to the dining room. Although. When the man finally put his clothes on and went out he heard.


'What' he walked out fit her only to see Naruto sitting on Sasukes lap feeding him dinner.

"Ne Ne, Sasu-kun, how do ya like it this time I made your favorite!" He said with a bright smile, so bright it might blind you.

"Delicious as always, my love." Sasuke said with a smirk, secretly eyeing the man. While kissing his loves collar bone making him whine. "Sasu~ stop teasing~" Naruto said in a pouty voice.


Sasuke pretended to look up as if he just noticed the man. "Hmm, seems we have a crowd." Sasuke said raising a brow. "Eh?" Naruto looked over and slightly growled under his breath. "I thought he left already. Don't worry I'll get it!" He said almost flipping between emotions. Naruto got off his husbands lap and started to walk towards the man, mumbling curses under his breathe. "I don't need this fucking man in here he's messin' up my damn plan."

The blonde went over to the man pulled on his collar and dragged him out. Once they were outside the man started yelling "Woah! The Fuck?!?"

Naruto folded his arms "The fuck is your problem Rui, I already told you to leave."

The man known now as Rui blinked, "W-What was that?" He asked

"What do you mean? Wait, you mean me and Sasuke?" Naruto asked confused. Rui nodded his head, "He's acting like you didn't just cheat on him." Rui stared at him confusedly "Cause I didn't" Naruto said nonchalantly and walked back inside 'I know he's a blonde but there's no way he's that dumb, I'll just try again tomorrow.' He thought proudly and walked off.

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