Chapter 2

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"Your name is your brand, rate it and respect it and don't damage it for man. Stop craving love and just live"


                                                                                      Friday 22nd of May 2020

Kyra Brown

I had just come out of the school gates relieved and contented. I had finished my 2 hr long exam was now finished with my Gcses . Now I could fully focus on having a good summer. I took out my phone and looked at the bus times waiting for a bus to take me to Mc Donalds cause I was craving a banana smoothie and took out my oyster. Renae went straight home with Asia and Layla said she had some business to do-probably concerning Isreal, and Mya just couldn't be asked to tag along .So I was going on my ones.


By the time I was slurping on my large smoothie my phone rang surprisingly.  It was Prince💙 "Yo" 

"Are u ok?"

"Yeah" he chuckled " I don't know why u always sound so worried when people call you. I'm fine"

"Okayyy so go on" I said getting curious.

"I need to buy a few things for Mya and I need a second perspective innit"

"Kl where we are going? " 

"Westfield innit just meet at the shopping centre at around 2:00"

"Alright kl see you, bye"

I walked down the road, the straw hanging at the side my mouth as I scrolled on instagram. I can't lie man I was fairly excited to go to westfield cause I hadn't been there in a while.  Mya and Prince were bare cute aswell; they started talking in year 8 and made it official some time in year 9 and ever since they've been together.I love love fr but I can't relate.  

Love was a lil bit of a techy subject for me. I believed in it but the truth is genuine love was real hard to find. People were very untrustworthy, give them your heart and the stab you in your back, 'love' nowadays just wasn't worth the risk.  I had too much on my plate to worry about man. A girl has standards and dignity that I wasn't gonna throw away. In this life if there's one thing my mum taught me is 'Your name is your brand' and I wasn't going to ruin it for man.


I had just opened the door and closed it behind me. Securing all four locks since my mum was weird and always insisted on locking up if no one was leaving or coming into the house for the rest of the day, and sighed, thanking God for helping me make it home safely cah it's a really dangerous world and that's for sure.

  If your were wondering she's sooooo beautiful,  dark skinned with beautiful eyes -which is where I got mine from - and she had fairly long coolie hair, 4b/4a I would say, and she had a banging personality. She's my best friend, mother and big sister and I guess that's why she is so popular amongst my friends. We're kind of the same person but I was weirder.

 My dad ,on the other hand,  isn't really present in my life, but I would be lying if I said I don't have love for him. He lives in America now and last time I heard he even settled down and got married which I can't lie was quite unbelievable at first but I'm happy for him and so was mum. The only thing I can't get is that my mum has never been with anyone else after him. Even mum knew that man weren't worth it.

I strutted into the living room.

"Good evening ma and tammy. Family ah me seh family!!"

They both looked up at me , tam-tam from her tablet and mum from her phone, smiled, greeted me back and focused their eyes back on their screens.

45 minutes later

"So your leaving me" I asked eyes widened with shock.

"Ye man yuh ah gwarn like yuh never go last year" translation = Yeah you're acting like you didn't go last year

"Ye but-"

"But what? Go Sid dung yuh ave yuh friend dem fi keep yuh company . Mi truss yuh fi nuh do nuttin and I need to go down fi fix up the house."translation= But what? Go and sit down you have your friends to keep your company and I trust you to not do anything (wrong) and I need to go down (to Jamaica) to fix up the house.

"so when are u leaving" 

"In a weeks time" she replied back in her British accent, disregarding me and strutting off into her room. Like 'Rarrrr Ok baddie'

So that was that, mum and my lil sister were leaving to go Jamaica for 5 months to fix up the house that she's building and were leaving me here. Great.


I followed through my usual routine, excluding studying and work since there's none left to do, and went on my phone scrolling on Pinterest. Pinterest was social media without the social fr. I said my prayers and got in my bed, when I got a message from Riri - Rian(Re-an)- saying "Stop watching tik toks and go to sleep" . I rolled my eyes replying" Goodnight Rian 🙄" and snuggled into my covers; he must of been referring to the tik tok I sent him about Somali's having big foreheads 😭. Rian was some boy I met at tuition, I hadn't mentioned him to my friends ,yet, cause they would gas it and make it into something it wasn't, and I wasn't ready to deal with them pestering me on the subject, especially Mya and Layla. Renae was my un-annoying friend and actually never really bothered me about having man, excluding the times she gets influenced by the rest of them, but Mya and Layla alone where enough to mad me and with Asia HEY don't even get me started.  I set my alarm and closed my eyes letting sleep enter the chat. I was going Westfield tomorrow and needed all the beauty sleep I could get.

Second chapter and all😝 and I don't think its that bad. I'm starting it of boring but just give it a sec. Remember to vote and tell a friend. Love you xx

Bigfactsnocap x

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