Chapter 3

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                                                                                         Saturday 23rd of May 2020

Kyra Brown

 Remember how I was talking about beauty sleep... well yeah I got a lot of it. I woke up at 12:01 cause my stupid alarm didn't ring. 

If I didn't hurry I was going to be late and  I wasn't going to stand Prince up. I knew he needed my help so for once I'll put a little prep in my step.

I jumped in the shower, did all my hygiene and got dressed. I put on a pink overall blouse and wore a black co-ord set that consisted of black shorts and a crop top and put on my carbon J1s and a lil purse and dashed out the door. 


I arrived at Westfield at around 2:10 cah I had some delays on the way and texted prince that I was there. But for some reason he didn't reply and I mean he didn't reply for 20mins straight.I had walked around for a bit to kill time but lowkey I was getting pissed. Like how can u invite me out and then show up late, if I smack this child. I took out my phone once again and was just about to call him when I caught him in the corner of my eye pacing through the mall on his phone.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?  I don't have time I've got shit to do, call Reckless and let him deal with it at least he don't fuck shit up " he shouted down the phone, his fist clenched. 

It was clear he wasn't in a good mood ,why though, I wasn't too sure. He hung up on the phone and walked over to me breathing in and exhaling before drawing me into a hug and rustling my hair, annoyingly. 

"What's up lil sis?"

"What's up? What's up with you? I retorted.

"Don't worry it was just some business?"

"Liiiiike" I pried on hoping for an answer.

"Just business don't worry about it" he said turning away from my gaze. I sighed letting it go there was no point in arguing. Though I couldn't bring myself to admit it I knew what he was referring to. They were all apart of the same dumb street stuff :Josiah was J1, Prince=Tempz ,   Mykel equaled Mkay and Isreal was Riggs. He was just doing what everyone else does, try to keep me in the dark about all their 'grown shit' cause I'm the 'innocent' one.

'So where are we going?' I asked changing the subject.

"Pandora first then we need to go to Gucci"

"Okay I see you fine boy, lots of money" I said gassing him up to which he just chuckled . (HOHO HO Merry Christmas) and walked over to pandora, Prince flashing me his bank card.Bloody show off🙄


In the end, we had racked up a large bill all on items just for Mya. Goodie bagged a man that knew how to spoil her, ha I taught her well. All together we went Gucci, Pandora and some other jewellery store; he said he was buying her gifts since she spent bare money on him for his birthday a few months back.

I hugged Prince goodbye and went off to wonder in the mall for myself. A girl had a few items that she has had her eyes on for a good minute and needed them now.

 I believed every man unto there own but one of biggest flexes had to be that all my money was legal especially when you have some bumy- ass niggas who bang fraud everyday and are still wearing Mckenzie tracksuit. Bout they're making money and have nothing to show for it...CAP. 


I had just came out of Zara -my faveeee- with a bag full of clothes . And had began heading towards River Island -my other fav- when out of the corner I saw someone who looked bare familiar, but for once I refused to give into my curiosity. I had no business in chasing this person around, much less zooming in to see who it was. The amount of times I've greeted look alikes of my friends from afar and felt like egg when I realised it wasn't them. sigh. Real Embarazzment. So I just continued walking to River  Island.


After adding the cutest purse to my basket I stumbled back at the force of another body colliding with my own.

Mya Mensah

I was just coming from the cash machine and was about to go into Jd when I saw Kyra.  Can you believe this girl actually preed me in the corner of her eye and disregarded me. I tell u if this girl ain't rude one more time.

She was anti and in denial of it but she was still my bestie so I went after her- discreetly of course  cause I didn't want anyone to suspect me of  attempted abduction or rape or whatever madness scary people are doing nowadays.

So me being me ran up to her in River Island and pounced on her cah I'm tapped like that.

 Before we continue let me introduce myself. Both my parents are Ghanaian and yes I can speak twi, but I was born here obviously.  I'm dark sinned with really long and curvy eyelashes, straight nose, dark brown eyes that lit up in the sun like pretty much everyone else with glasses ,luscious lips -Mwah- and oh yes I have a sexy body......(laughter) Jk jk, but nah fr though my body is banging. I'm pretty wierd ,sarcastic to the point where you can't tell if I'm being for real or not and was quite the intellectual, if I do say so myself. 

Anyways, after jumping on her and helping her up from the floor we busted out laughing. I swear this girl was my twin fr. We went around shopping for a while and went to Jd after so I could pick up some fresh kicks. My summer wardrobe need some extras cah this summer WE FINNA BE OUTSIDEEE and by 'WE' I mean the whole crew including Kyra cause she no longer has an excuse to stay at home, exams were over. I got a pair of dunks, baleniagas, uggs slippers and me and Kyra got some astronaut yeezy slides. The ones that look like extraterrestrial life. 

Kyra Brown

It was no surprise it was Mymy my bestiieee for lifersssssss. When I say I bussed out in laughter in mid store cause of this girl I wasn't lying. 

I stood up and brushed my self off linking arms with mya and began shopping again until both me and Mya got an unexpected text message.


Lays🤪- Is that you guys coming out of Jd.

Lays🤪-look behind u

I turned around and their was my lays chips .I opened my arms wide giving her hug.

"You're acting like you haven't seen Layla in a millennium" Mya stated before hugging Layla just as eagerly.

"Oh shush" I replied. "Layla u smell good man what's the scent?"  I said inhaling her scent.

"Oh its that Perfume you brought me that one time, it smells leng innit" she said winking at me. Cheeky.

"Yeah lol" I replied before linking arms with both off them and walking off.


Unsurprisingly,Asia and Renae happened to have been in the shopping centre as well.After shopping together for a while we decided to get some food and began planning Layla's b-day that was legit just around the corner and when we were done we all separated.

 I couldn't lie after a few hours of shopping and messing about my stomach was sore from laughter and I was exhausted.  I jumped on the 98 bus that had just made it to the bus stop and was about to leave and made my way home. I put my air pods in my ears and drifted off into my own world.

 I came off at my stop and quickly made my way home, dashing myself to the couch in pure exhaustion. Tamaya and Ma already asleep.

Ok then I can't lie the last two chapter's were boring ,but I need to give you guys an insight into the characters and how they are. I didn't want to just jump in to the action and all but a juicy part is on its way just give me a sec. XX


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