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o. prologue


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Dominic felt like she had been running for days, and it might as well been true. This last trip hadn't been as well-planned as they usually were, and her lack of research had come back to bite her in the ass.

Quite literally.

She glanced back at the three-headed dog chasing her, and looked straight ahead when she felt herself losing balance.

Freaking breeders, man, she thought, the image of the starved creatures not leaving her mind. It was a deep brown colour, with long shaggy hair that looked as if it hadn't seen water in ages. Dominic couldn't help but feel bad for the animal who was chasing her. She had a feeling it only wanted to play, even if it meant using her as a chew toy.

Focusing her mind on the ground she was running on, she tried to make vines appear, which grew thin and frail because of the little time she was near them.

How had she even ended up in this situation? Funny you should ask, because she didn't have the slightest idea either.

It was something she had done thousands of times beforehand, and somehow she'd managed to mess it up. Maybe she'd been paying less attention than she should, accustomed to the routine as she was, thinking that muscle memory should be enough.

Clearly, it hadn't, because instead of being home, she was in a universe that bred huge dogs with way too many heads. And cages that are easy to escape from, too. Dominic could tell you why it wasn't a good combination.

Apart from the breeder's building, there wasn't anything in a whole lot of kilometres around, she was alone. The only company she had was the cute little puppy (creature) and the end of the terrain a hundred meters in front of her. That's right, not only was she running from that, she was also running towards a cliff.

"Stupid fucking Watch," she yelled, hitting repeatedly the machine embracing her left wrist.

The energy bar at the pit of her stomach had met its end a long time ago, and she was getting breathless. She had to get out of there before she lost all the energy she still had because of the adrenaline, and the only solution she could find was straight ahead.

She had to jump. Three-headed dogs, after all, don't usually grow wings.

She was now fifty meters away from the edge, so her Watch needed to make up its mind and work, or they were both going to die. And cry, possibly.

Dominic grabbed a hold of her wrist, touching the buttons on the sides of the machine.

Twenty meters.

Once again, she looked back, finding the dog even closer than before.

Ten meters.

With shaky hands, she twisted the wheel the degrees necessary to end up right at home.

Two meters.

Still fumbling with the wheel, she shut her eyes closed and jumped as far away from the cliff as she could, leaving a respectable distance between her and the doggy.

Dominic opened her eyes as she was falling, hand still on her Watch and the ground getting closer and closer. Holding her breath, she pressed in her combination and gave it the last round necessary.


And white mist surrounded her.

author's note: i need to be stopped, i really do

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author's note:
i need to be stopped, i really do.
hope you liked it!
ren <3

passing through, 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙧 𝙠𝙚𝙣𝙩Where stories live. Discover now