Ch. 6- Too many questions

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"Peter! You up, kid?"

Peter's eyes snap open at the sound of Tony's voice.

He's supposed to be getting ready, isn't he?


He jumps out of bed and sputters.
"Yeah! Almost- shit- almost ready!"

He stumbles to his closet and grabs the first cheesy science-pun shirt he sees, and grabs his backpack from where it leans against his desk.

Peter stuffs his phone in his bag and starts for the elevator, muttering a quick 'morning.'

"Pete- breakfast."

"Oh yeah, sorry."

His eyes are thoughtful for a moment.

"Did you sleep last night?" "Of course I did. Did you?"

He ignores Peter's diversion, "You look tired kiddo." "I'm not tired. I'm actually...extremely energised."

"Whatever you say Pete. Hey, what do you say we chill out tonight? Pep will be back early and you can go to bed early?"

For a moment, Peter wants to decline. He likes going out as Spider-Man. Though, the past few nights, he's been out right at curfew mark. After that, he does homework the rest of the night. He got maybe 2 hours of sleep last night, but he's not going to tell Tony that.

As tempting as it is to go patrolling instead, he misses being able to just hang out with Pepper and Tony.

"Yeah," he says, " Yeah that sounds good. Not that I need any extra sleep."

"Sure Pete."

Tony pushes a plate of toast across the table, grimacing. "I still don't know how you don't want anything on it."

Peter shoves a piece in his mouth. "Tastes good."

"Yeah but it's so... dry. You want a drink?"

"Ok fine. What do we have?"

"Uh... kaprisuns."

"What am I, 8?"

"Pete, it's the ones you like," he deadpans, "you want one or not?"

"Yes please."

Peter catches the juice and runs out the door.

"Happy's blowing up my phone, I'm gonna be late! Bye, see you later!"

"Bye kid. Have a good day." Tony looks down at Tessa, who watches her boy run out the door. She looks up at him and her tail thumps against the ground. "Guess it's just you and me again Tess."

Her tail wags faster in acknowledgement.


"Took you long enough," Happy mutters.

Peter throws his hands up in mock surrender. "Sorry, sorry I woke up late!"

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