Ch. 9- disgustingly domestic

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Domestic moments have my heart.

I shoved so much into this chapter I'm sorry💀

"Pep," Tony whispers.

She doesn't answer, still fast asleep.

He should let her rest, she's had a long week of meetings, he thinks as he turns over to look at the alarm clock on his bedside table.

It's early. Too early.

He stares at the alarm's red light, illuminating their dark room. The sun's coming up slowly but the drapes are shut and blocking any light from pouring inside.

Why is he, Tony Stark, even up this early on a weekend?

Oh yeah, maybe because waking up at the ass-crack of dawn with the kid every morning for school fucked up his much needed beauty sleep. 6:45 is him sleeping in now apparently.

He had a choice not to since Happy drove him and Peter was perfectly capable of getting himself ready but Tony liked being involved and making breakfast and such.

God, that kid's changed him. Pepper says he's changed for the better and he can't completely disagree with her. He loves his life like this, with his little family. Pete would definitely make fun of him for saying that but he doesn't have to know.

He's smiling to himself as he turns back over, inches away from her face.

"Pepper," he murmurs again, becoming impatient with his sleeping fiancé. "The world is ending."

He pauses, "...I'm leaving you."

Tony's face morphs into an unamused look as she hums, but doesn't stir.

"I'm leaving you for Rhodey. We were in love from the beginning. Love at first sight, Star crossed lovers and all that pizzaz. Real Romeo and Juliet type shit. I think Rhodey's more of a Juliet. We're leaving to- uh- Hawaii and retiring together. Oh- and I'm changing my last name to platypus-"

She snores quietly.

"...You're late to a meeting," he deadpans.

Her eyes fly open, frantic.

"What? When did-?"

"Good morning," he grins. He feels his heart flutter as she sits up and her hair falls over her face messily.

God, she's beautiful.

"Tony," she groans exasperatedly as she plops back onto the mattress and turns away from him.

He snickers as he pulls her in closer, pressing his face into her neck and kissing her shoulder blade.

"Give me your attention."

"I'm always giving you my attention you big baby."

They're quiet for a moment.

"You're just plotting to use me as a human shield when Tessa comes in to wake you up."

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