Tape 1, Side A

9 1 0

Dec 17th, 21XX

HSA: Any updates?

77: Nothing noticeable, but I have noticed various bipedal species as of late.

HSA: Must be night over there. Record for a few more minutes then find somewhere safe for the night.

77: Alright. Did I ever tell you all about the spiders?

HSA: Spiders?

77: Yeah, spiders. There's giant spiders down here.

HSA: Go to the lander and hunker down for the night. We don't want you getting hurt.

77: Agreed.

Dec 18th, 21XX

HSA: Anything new?

77: Not one bit, but the ones that explode and look like us don't burn up in the sun.

HSA: Interesting.

77: *whispering* what the hell is that?

HSA: Pardon?

77: Central, was there a drop ship scheduled for this planet?

HSA: No, why do you ask?

77: There's a ship going to land here.

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