Tape 1, Side B

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HSA: Why is there a spaceship?

77: I genuinely have no idea.

HSA: How large is it? Could be one of ours.

77: About 22 km in length, front is hexagonal in nature and there's some kind of writing on the side.

HSA: Is it readable?

77: It's in another language, so no.

HSA: It's not one of ours. Let it land and tell us of the contents if they let you on.

77: Fine, fine.

A few hours later...

77: It's landed, and something is leaving the ship.

HSA: What does it look like?

77: Bipedal, stature is vertical, and it's slightly covered in fur.

HSA: Anything else?

77: It's leading out others, seemingly of the same species but there is one in armor.

HSA: Same species?

77: Debatable. There happens to be a slime with the crew.

HSA: So they're aware of our allies?

77: Apparently so. Permission to interact?

HSA: Permission granted.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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