Meeting danny

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Me and Peppa got out of the car and over to the entrance of "daddy's shmexy smoothies" we watched out to see if we could find danny. Suddenly he came zooming in any 699mph we where blown away at how sexy he was driving his Tesla. He hopped out and started running to us. He was so excited to finally see both of us in person. He started to wave his hand in the air. We both waved back. After about 30 mins of him running to us he finally got over here. He has such little legs that's why it took him so long to run to us.

"Hey sexy gals" Danny said out of breath because he ran for so long.
"Hey daddy oops I means Danny"said Peppa with a smirk.
"Hey my sexy Danny boy" I said looking him up and down. He was bright red my little sexy tomato.
"Ok babies let's go and suck some di- I mean smoothies" he said with a giggle. Me and Peppa both giggle too.

We walk inside and look around it's so beautiful. We sit at a table for 3 and look at the menu of course I had to have the cum flavour vegan smoothie. Peppa chose balls with a side of pubes and Danny chose cherry and banana cream pie. When our food and drinks got to our table we slurped and sucked and slorped and licked till all of our food was gone. "I'll get this one ladies as Danny got out his debit card" the waitress came over and said that it would be £69 so Danny paid and we went back to my house together.

We were so excited for what was about to happen next...

Peppa pig x Danny deVito x reader Where stories live. Discover now