2- The Mayhem Heist

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Y/n Cage
July 13, 1983
Soho, New York City
The Barden Museum

Tonight, was the night. No turn backs or backing out. In order to put the force of the world in motion again, Nicholas and I must do what's right for this reality. To save our timeline we call home.

"We'll start by taking out the guards, one by one." Nicky stated to me his plan before in the bar seats we sat in. "Knocking them out unconscious should do the trick."

"How many will there be?" I asked, leaning in to face him directly to hear what he had to say.

"Enough." he answered dryly. "Once they're out, we'll be able to access the entrance and open the doors to his main office. With the code given, if still the same, I'll be able to open the safe. To get whatever it is that Mark desires."

"Seems fair enough." I nod in response, stroking my palms together.

"So, you up for the challenge?" Nicky asked me, a playful smirk on his lips. He's always been his same old silly self.

"Hell yeah."


Positioned in front of the office doors were Mayhem's bodyguards with their black suits and sunglasses that hid their identities from the human eye. Completely botch and intimidating as they patrolled the area, switching directions every now and then.

"We're gonna need a distraction." Nicky pointed out the obvious, as we both glazed our attention against the dark wood doors and the men guarding them.

I smirk before taking out my hair from my ponytail, "Leave that to me."

Taking out that hologram watch that I toke from the black market. This kind of tech was from another reality, very far in the future and incredibly sophisticated, making it extremely rare to find. I was very lucky to snatch one of these on my way out of LA.

"Well damn." Nick's eyes particularly widened at it. He's been taught about futuristic tech being moved from one reality to another, through the agency but has yet never seen one before. "Where did you buy one of those? They cost a fortune."

  "I didn't." I remark, pushing my hair back before programming it to fake a cut on my wrist. "I stole it."

Approaching three of the guards, acting as if I'm hurt. They approach me with caution.

"You shouldn't be up here, miss." one of the men stated, tightening his grip slightly on his shotgun.

"This area is completely off limits." another said, walking a bit closer.

"Mayhem's orders."

I tremble a bit closer, faking the pain in my wrist, "I don't mean any trouble. I was just looking for the first aid station-"

Just then, Nicholas came from behind, knocking out two of them out before I join in to help him. Roundhouse kicking one of them in the head with my heels, causing him to stumble and fall backwards.

"Oh," I exclaim with a gasp. "That's gonna leave a mark."

Once they were all knocked out, we picked them up and moved them to the nearest supply closet.

"That was simple enough." Nicky added before we both sprinted into the office, closing the doors behind us.

Looking around the rich man's office with a bookshelf in the back. Office table with a name embodied on it. Pictures of business and family members scattered across the desk with files laid in front of the chair that the so-called CEO sat. My eyes scanned the room for a safe.

Another Love: His Dagger to The HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora