3- No longer in line with us

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(TW: domestic abuse)

Y/n Cage
August 15th, 1972.
Cedar City, Utah.

Entering the manor's doors, chatter filled the atmosphere of the main dining hall. Exquisite and proper, my mother and father already had the dinner table set.

Sat at the table was my parents and sisters. My mother and father were just as fake as ever. When I was away from them, they always seemed so polite and happy. As if our family could be perfect without me.

From my childhood years of being looked at as an outcast and the "fell one behind the cracks", my mother and father had always put me to work and nothing else. Nothing else for me.

Although, my sisters were looked at as their prized possessions, their shining stars. I was nothing but a burden to them, their charm of bad luck. Their own superstition. Just as unlucky as a vengeful black cat in the night, I was left out of most of their conversations or urgencies. Erased from their hearts, I could only thrive through myself. I could only make myself happy and it hurt like a fucking bitch. It really did.

I mostly would remain quiet and on the sidelines of their mind games.

And here they were, plastered smiles and all, blocking me out of their lives again.

I stood there, fists clenching, before letting them go in reason to not bring harm to them. I couldn't do it while Young Diane was watching.

So, I rolled back my stiff shoulders and softened my grip of my hands. Taking Diane's small soft hand in mine, there was a reassuring smile on her face as if to tell me that everything would be okay. So, I believed it too for once, walking over to the table and taking my seat next to Diane and my stronger sister, Madison (who was also feeling out of place just like me). I could tell.

Diane smiled once more before we both nodded in an understanding between us. She takes her hand back, bringing them both to her lap.

"Ah, there you are, Diane." Our mother came closer to pull her into a tight squeeze. "My sweet darling Mija, I was just wondering where you met. Mama was getting worried that something would happen to you. You're alright, aren't you?"

Diane looked up to her with a bright grin, "I was just fine, Mama. I had Y/n and-"

"Well, isn't that just great, sweetie. You can tell me all about it later." she cut her off before getting up from her chair and towards my eldest sister. "We we're just talking about how María's going to be taking control of the family business soon and all its profits. Isn't that right, Mijita?"

Lowering her silverware, María looked over to Diane, "Uh huh, Mami's going to make me the owner after I graduate since Mami and Papi will be retiring very soon. Hopefully I can live up to their potential and put in enough hard work to support the family."

Brushing her cheek, Mother gave her a proud smile, "You will, Mijita. In just a matter of time, you will bring forth good to this company, to this family. There's no one better to own this company then you."

"And I will." María smiled back, lowering Mother's hand from her cheek to squeeze her hands in her grip before letting go.

"Great things are to come for this family and for all of us." Mother continued on, making her way back to her seat. She sits down before grumbling at Madison, "Even for the ones that leave their archery bow on the table."

"Ugh, Mama." Madison whined after taking a bite from her empanada, leaving her with a mouth full of food. "But-"

"No 'buts', young lady. Also stop slouching. No man is ever going to marry a young lady without proper manners." she raised her voice, staring from her and back to her bow.

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