Some News

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Hi Readers

So something has happened recently to me that I wanted to share with you all to help you understand what is happening with my current projects.

As of Tuesday this week, the 15th of February, my dear cat, Shelley, had to be put to sleep. It was a very sudden thing – she fell horribly ill within a few hours, and at 1 am my mother and I rushed her to the animal hospital when we discovered she couldn't even walk anymore without collapsing. The veterinarian informed us that she was poisoned from a snake bite, most likely, or some other substance. I was given the choice to putting her through further tests that she was unlikely to survive, or let her go peacefully with the decision to put her to sleep.

I myself made this decision to let her go, and it was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. She was my life and my baby in every sense. I raised her as a kitten and had her for almost ten years.

At the moment I am still in shock. As it all happened so unexpectedly, it still hasn't had a chance to sink in and I am struggling to find my feet again. Suffering from depression, Autism and anxiety has not made this any easier either, but losing my fur baby has also put things into perspective.

I need to make some changes.

So... I am coming back to the computer to continue these projects. I don't blame you if you have walked away because of the lack of updates, but I hereby promise to get these novels done for myself and for you, my dear readers.

I cannot give decisive date of when the next updates will come, but I am once again actively writing a little at a time.

Shelley's passing was tragic, but it has made me see how precious each day is and how much I need to embrace my love of writing and share my words with whoever out there wants to read them.

Thank you everyone who is still around to read what I have to offer. I love you all and appreciate every one of you.


Rachael Phillips (love you Shelley Bear) 

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