CH 5 - Eyes Wide Open

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For the next three days, Cassi learned about the lore of werewolves. She was set straight on false theories and given the truth of how her life would be now. Some things surprised her, other things less so. There were the basics, such as her now increased appetite and her bodies naturally increased temperature. Those wouldn't go away either, but they were easy changes to deal with. Bigger changes would come, but with more information at her disposal, Cassi felt ready.

Lora was a patient teacher. Whenever Cassi needed to ask a question, Lora was happy to listen and answer. She filled in every blank and dispelled almost every fear. She explained everything clearly and it was obvious she had done it before. Not for the first time, Cassi wondered about the woman's life before she had come to live here in the middle of the park.

On the third day of Werewolf 101, as Lora had affectionately called it, Cassi was bursting full of new information and her emotions were off the scale. She felt strong and brave knowing that werewolves were the most powerful supernatural second only to vampires. Her worries were elated now that she was aware of the abilities she had such as inhuman strength and speed, as well as the form of her wolf, of course. Her affection for Lora grew as they spoke about mating. Lora's cheeks burned all the way through the conversation and Cassi realised that the thumping sound she heard was Lora's pounding heart. Her own heartbeat matched the rhythm and by the end of that particular lecture both women felt their bond had been sharpened.

Cassi wondered to herself whether the feelings she felt toward Lora were from human lust, or something more. Was her wolf trying to tell her that Lora was her mate? She needed time to think on that, and Lora wasn't saying anything about it. Cassi figured the strong butch had thoughts and feelings of her own to sort out on the matter.

An interesting piece of information was shared when Lora spoke about wolf packs. She explained that a wolf was either born into a pack or, in Cassi's case for example, could join a pack that offered her a place. Lora became visibly uncomfortable when Cassi asked her which pack she belonged to. Lora explained that she belonged to no pack and was known as a rogue. That was another option for a werewolf, she explained, but walked away from the table soon after to 'get some air.' Cassi felt she had stepped too close to Lora's past and the woman was not ready to share. Although Cassi felt disappointed at this she was aware she herself hadn't shared much about her own past yet. Knowing this, she respected Lora's boundaries. One day they would have a talk and get to know each other properly, she vowed, but not that day.

Cassi became keenly afraid knowing that every full moon she would have to change whether she liked it or not. Lora told her this gently, trying to keep her calm, but Cassi knew the other wolf could hear her racing heart.

The first full moon was on its way and Lora had decided that it should be her first change as it was the least painful and the most natural. Cassi's anxieties went through the roof at this, but Lora soon had her convinced with her soothing touch and calming words that they would tackle each struggle together, one at a time. She assured her that she would be there by her side.

By the end of the week Cassi was becoming stir crazy in the little wooden house. Though she adored being there with Lora, she felt the tug of her wolf inside begging to be let loose outside the four walls surrounding them. It was beginning to grate on Cassi's nerves and at one point her temper reached breaking point and she threw her used plate into the sink after her breakfast, shattering it to pieces.

Cassi startled herself at the action. She had never been an angry person and her temper was usually kept in check. Turning to Lora with an apology on her lips, she was shocked to see the tall blonde woman smiling in amusement.

Cassi felt another wave of anger. As she opened her mouth to rage at the woman, Lora rose from her chair and approached Cassi with her hands raised in surrender.

"Sorry, sorry," she chuckled to the younger were. "I don't mean to laugh, but it's kind of funny to see you losing it like that. It's just so unlike you."

Cassi's anger raged and she felt savage thoughts toward her companion that were so dark and bloody they scared her. Without warning she burst into tears, unable to stop her sudden depression. Lora's arms were around her in moments.

"Shh, it's okay, Cass. It's just your wolf. It's alright."

Cassi sniffled against Lora's collarbone, miserable. She didn't understand what was happening. Her emotions were all over the place.

"It's like...a really... really... bad PMS," she gasped as she cried into Lora.

Lora chuckled, her chest rumbling against Cassi's cheek. "Tell me about it, Cass. I remember those days well. They're unbearably shitty."

Once Cassi had regained her composure Lora assured her that her reaction, like everything else she had experienced so far, was normal. Cassi's wolf needed to run, and although Lora didn't believe Cassi would be ready to change until he full moon the following week, Cassi still needed to get out of the house and out into the wild where she and her inner wolf could breathe. With that, Lora and Cassi headed out into the park where Cassi would finally experience nature at its clearest.

Cassi felt as though she could taste the air. Her hands touched everything from the bark of the trees to the leaves that fell around her like a gentle rain. She breathed deep over and over until she felt light-headed. It was like what she imagined being high was like.

"Lora, when you told me everything would be different out here now, I didn't really believe you," Cassi said to the woman as she turned in a slow circle. She gazed up at the canopy above them, watching the sunlight poke through the thickness of the leafy roof over their heads. She knew she looked like a dope, but she didn't really care. Her wolf was bounding with joy inside of her and she felt its surges of happiness with every sound, sight and smell.

Lora chuckled that low, gruff chuckle of hers and watched Cassi with a brightness in her eyes. "I know that look," she said, shaking her head in laughter. "There's nothing quite like seeing the world with your eyes wide open."

Cassi stopped turning and looked to Lora. She was different out here too. Cassi could feel her strength from where she stood, the tall, blonde werewolf exuding it in waves. Her crystal eyes were bright and clear, her skin glowing under the highlights of the sun Cassi could barely breathe as she took in her companion and took a moment to listen to Lora's heart beating strong and loud amongst the symphony of the forest.

"You okay, Cass?" Lora asked suddenly.

Cassi opened her eyes and smiled back at Lora with her eyes wet with joyful tears that she couldn't explain. "I was just thinking that I couldn't have put it better myself," she said softly.

Author's Note

Sorry this chapter was a little short – it was really a continuation of the last chapter but I wanted to end it on a romantic note between Cassi and Lora. Can you feel the sparks between them yet? They're growing slowly but surely. Writing that part where Cassi is seeing Lora through the eyes of her now-enhanced self had me smiling the entire time I was typing it. I hope you enjoyed it just as much, and I promise things are going to start moving at a faster pace now that the beginning is almost wrapped up. Things will also, of course, be blooming between the pair as they start to learn more about each other.

Thanks so much for reading! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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